Create a folder
Right-click the Sketch Symbol folder, or one of your user-defined folders, and select Create New Folder. Then edit the folder name and click Enter.
The new folder is created as a child node of the folder on which you right-clicked.
Create a folder and add symbols to the folder in one step
In the Sketch Symbol folder, select a contiguous or non-contiguous group of sketch symbols, right-click, and click Add to New Folder. Then edit the folder name and click Enter.
Move symbols or folders
Drag browser nodes to move single or multiple symbols or folders within the Sketch Symbol folder.
Delete folder
Right-click your symbol folder and select Delete Folder. The folder is deleted, but the folder items remain. You cannot simultaneously delete multiple folders.
Store symbols in external Symbol Library
In the Sketch Symbol folder, right-click on the sketch symbol you want to save and select Save to Symbol Library. In the Save To Symbol Library dialog box, select the Create a new library icon, edit the library name, select the new or other library, and click Save. This will create an external library located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2016\Design Data\Symbol Library.