The Bounded Runoff Surface command is creates, edits, or deletes a runoff surface.
Create a bounded runoff surface
- In the Core/Cavity tab, click Bounded Runoff Surface.
- In the Bounded Runoff Surface dialog box, click Geometry. In the graphics window, select one or more points, face edges, surface edges, sketches, or faces.
Note: If you select the planar face, all the other buttons are disabled, except OK, Cancel, and Apply.
- To set Direction 1 and Direction 2, select a method:
- To rotate the direction, select the upper radio buttons. Click X or Y to set the axis of rotation. To change the direction, enter the angle value in the Edit box. Click Flip Direction to reverse Direction 1 or Direction 2.
- To set the direction by alignment, select the lower radio buttons. In the graphics window, select an edge or surface to set the reference direction. Click Flip Direction to reverse the direction.
Note: You can select the surface edge, face edge, planar face, work axis, or work plane as the reference direction.
- Click Apply or OK.
Edit a bounded runoff surface
- In the Mold Design browser, under Runoff Surfaces, right-click a Bounded Runoff Surface node, and then click Edit Feature.
- In the Bounded Runoff Surface dialog box, modify the parameters.
- Click OK.
Delete a bounded runoff surface
- In the Mold Design browser, under Runoff Surfaces, right-click a Bounded Runoff Surface node, and then click Delete.