Using the information from the analysis, you can modify components to eliminate the interference.
On the ribbon, click
Inspect tabInterference panelAnalyze Interference .
In the Interference Analysis dialog box, click Define Set #1, and then select the first component or group of components to analyze in the graphics window or browser.
Tip: If you want to check all components for interference, use a crossing window to add all components to Set # 1 and then click OK to analyze.
Click Define Set #2, and then select the second component or group of components to analyze.
Treat subassemblies as components to treat sub-assemblies as single components and ignore the interferences within the sub-assemblies.
Click OK to check for interference.
Tip: By double clicking on a resultant interference, you can graphically focus on an individual interference region by zooming into a specified collision.
If interference is detected, the Interference Dialog box dialog box displays the following:
The number of interferences detected and their total volume, and additional information about each interference. Double-click an entry in the list to zoom to the interference.
Options to filter out the following interference types so that you can focus your attention on the information you need to analyze:
General: Interferences that do not belong to any of the types below.
Threads: Interference between 2 components, one of which is threaded.
If found,
Matching Threads displays as an additional filter.
Non-threaded Content Center parts:
Interferences between 2 components one of which is from Content Center.
AnyCAD reference components: Interferences within the AnyCAD reference component itself.
Detailed information about the 4 types of mismatched thread interferences. Hover over the information tooltip to display the type of interference.
Threaded components are misaligned.
Thread designation doesn't match, including nominal diameter, pitch .
Left/Right hand doesn't match.
Thread length doesn't match.
Thread lengths that do not satisfy the minimum recommended thread engagement are reported. For example, interference is reported when the length of a component's external thread is shorter than the length the internal thread.
Note: The first set of numbers in the tooltip indicate Internal thread value. The second set indicate the External thread value.
Ignore and Un-ignore options. You can:
Right-click an item and select to ignore the selected volume or ignore all interference volumes less than a selected value.
Select or deselect the Ignored filter to show or hide the ignored interferences in the list.
Note: An ignored interference is displayed with a cross line.
Right-click an ignored interference and select to Un-ignore the selected item, or Un-ignore all.
Options to copy the values to the clipboard and print the list.
Note: The interference type is included in a new column called Note when you copy
a thread interference value into Excel.