Inventor automatically defines model parameters in sketches, assembly constraints and features. You can also define parameters for functional requirements.
Parameters can define the size and shape of features, and control the relative positions of components within assemblies (not available in Inventor LT). For example, you can specify the size of a plate as Height = Width/2 by using equations to define the relationships between parameters.
Dimensions that are calculated by an equation are preceded by the prefix fx.
You can also define parameters to relate dimensions to functional requirements. For example, you can define the cross-sectional area of a part to have certain proportions and withstand a certain load (Area = Load/Material_Strength*Factor_of_Safety). You can link a spreadsheet to a part or assembly (not available in Inventor LT) and drive the parameters from cells in the spreadsheet, or use iLogic rules (not available in Inventor LT). Parameters can also be exported to the bill of materials and the parts list. Finally, you can use parameters to control the behavior of iLogic rules that you add to your model (not available in Inventor LT).
Use the Parameters command to view and edit parameters in the Parameters table, create user-defined parameters, and link to a spreadsheet containing parameter values.
You can rename, change values, add comments, or designate a parameter as a multi-value parameter. You can also define user parameters for use in the part. Custom parameters are created through the API and are automatically added to a model, reference, or user folder (not available in Inventor LT).
Model parameters are created automatically when you define a sketch dimension or other measurement, add an assembly constraint (Inventor Professional), or create a feature. These parameters are given default names, such as d0, d1, d2, but you can override the default names with more meaningful names. You can enter expressions in edit boxes that define the parameter names and values.
Parameters assign values and establish relationships between the elements in a model.
You can create user parameters, which are more general than model parameters and can be used to convey functional requirements. User parameters can be also be driven by a spreadsheet.
User parameters are utilized in equations or iLogic rules (not available in Inventor LT), and they can also be used in expressions for other parameters. If you use the same parameters in many parts, such as force or material, define the parameters in templates used to create new part files. You can also derive parameters into your document from a common “skeleton” file (not available in Inventor LT).
You can define parameters in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and then link the spreadsheet to a part or assembly. You also can link parameters from any combination of part types. With Inventor Pro, you can also link from any combination of sheet metal part, assembly, or weldment file types. The assembly or part is associatively linked with the exported parameters from the particular file type. While linking from a part or assembly, you can link exported parameters.
To use exported parameters from one file to another you can use a global parameter part file. Create a part file that contains a set of values typically driven by engineering equations. The part file might not have any geometry, but might contain sketches if you want to use them for a skeletal or layout model.
You can use Derived Part to derive the global parameter part file into individual subassemblies (not available in Inventor LT) and parts to extract the parameters. You can also use this same workflow using a spreadsheet instead of a part file. You can derive exported parameters in derived parts or assemblies.
Skeletal models also can reference other skeletal models.
In Inventor Pro, this feature helps manage the amount of information contained in a subassembly. Alternatively, you can extract parameters from a part to an assembly on-the-fly. You might not plan for global parameters, and then at some point in the design you want to use a parameter from a part in an assembly. You may for example, want to use the width of a plate in a part (extrusion depth) as a mate constraint in an assembly.
In addition to Excel files, any modeling file type (part, sheet metal, assembly, or weldment) can link to another model file. It enables parameter sharing from one model file to another.
As an example, in Inventor, if you are in an assembly file and you click Link and select a part file, the assembly is associatively linked with the exported parameters from the part file.
Custom parameters are automatically added to a model, reference or user folder. You can give a custom parameter folder a descriptive name and add any parameter from another folder. A parameter resides in both the original folder and a custom parameter folder.
You can delete a custom folder, and retain all of its parameters in the original folders. Or, you can delete a custom folder and all of its parameters, including the parameters in other folders. You can also remove a parameter from the custom group.
When you create an iFeature, you can select sketch dimensions and feature parameters as the size parameters. If you have named the parameters, they are automatically included in the iFeature.
Text parameters do not support expressions.
True/false parameters do not support expressions.
You can also add a custom value as an alternative to the list of values in a multi-value parameter. Custom values are usually used only temporarily.
Follow these guidelines to make sure parameters and parts update predictably: