To Find Objects in a File

Locate Object in Graphics Window

  1. In the browser, expand the necessary folders.
  2. Select one or multiple components, constraints, or other objects to find.
  3. Right-click and select Find in Window. The found objects are zoomed and centered in the graphics window.

Locate Objects in Project

  1. To search using specific criteria, open the Find dialog box in any of the following ways:
    • (not available in Inventor LT) In Design Assistant, select Tools Find Inventor Files.
    • From the Autodesk Inventor Open dialog, click Find.
    • When a file is active, select Tools tab Find panel Find Component, or click the binoculars icon on the browser menu bar.
    • From the Windows Start menu, select Search Inventor Files.
  2. In the Find dialog box, set the search criteria, such as files of a type, or file properties.

    To search with previously specified criteria, click Open Search.

  3. In the Look For list, click the object type.
  4. In the Define more criteria box, enter one or more:
    • In And/Or, click And to accumulate criteria, or click Or to satisfy the search if either criteria is met.
    • Specify Property. Find recognizes the active environment, and offers search criteria based on the environment. For example, in the assembly and weldment environment, Find lists components, constraints, features, sketches, and welds.
    • Select a Condition.
    • Specify a value to complete the Property, Condition, Value statement.

      For example, specify a Stock Number (property) that is exactly (condition) A97000_3_8 (value). Or, specify Suppress status (property) equals (conditions) Suppressed (value).

  5. To add the refined criteria to the search box, click Add to List.
  6. Specify the current path file.
  7. Click Find Now.
  8. You can save the search results to a text file, and view them in a text editor.