To Work with Perspective Camera

The Perspective camera has a little known feature for adjusting the perspective angle (PA) and distance (D). Use the key chord (multiple keys held down) and mouse button combination - Ctrl+Shift+F3, then click and drag the cursor in the graphics region.

The following section explains the difference between the Zoom command and the perspective angle modification. It also explains how the Inventor Studio camera captures the perspective angle and persists it across sessions.


Perspective Angle (PA) is related to both the distance (D) from the camera to the target and the field of view, or Extents (E). The PA adjustment maintains a constant E. A simple Zoom adjustment changes D and E, but leaves the net PA unchanged.

In previous releases, the perspective camera Zoom Angle adjusted as a simple Zoom, that is adjustments altered E only. The camera now adjusts the Perspective Angle, which adjusts both PA and E. The camera parameters are persistent from session to session, regardless of window size.

Method 2009 and earlier 2010

Ctrl+Shift_Zoom (mouse move)

  • (D) changes
  • (E) dimensionally constant
  • PA changes relative to (D)
No change

Inventor Zoom

  • (D) changes
  • (E) proportionately constant
  • PA constant
No change

Studio Zoom Angle (camera setting)

  • (D) constant
  • (E) changes
  • PA constant
  • (D) constant
  • (E) changes
  • PA changes relative to (E)
  • Persists across sessions.