To Save Custom Color Styles as Appearances

You need to create a custom library and populate the library with the appearances you want to keep from all documents containing a unique custom appearance.

  1. On the Tools tab Material and Appearance panel, click Appearance - The Appearance Browser displays.
  2. In the Appearance Browser toolbar (bottom), click (Manage) and click Create New Library.
  3. Browse to the folder where the new library will be saved and specify a library name.
  4. Click Save. The library is visible in the Library list in the lower section of the Appearance Browser.
  5. Decide whether or not you will organize your library using categories. To create a category:

    Right-click the new library in the lower left pane and click Create Category .

    Name the Category.

  6. From the Document Appearances section, drag and drop all appearances you want to keep into the custom library. You can drop them on category nodes or on the library node.