To Copy, Move, or Export a Table

Transfer a table to another drawing or sheet, or export it as a spreadsheet or text in one of several common file formats.

Copy a table

Use one of the following methods to copy a general, configuration, or bend table:

Move a table to another drawing sheet

Select the table in the drawing browser, and drag it to another sheet in the browser.

Export data to an external file

  1. Right-click a table and select Edit.
  2. If appropriate, adjust the row height and table direction.
  3. Click Export and specify a file name to save the table to an external file.

    If appropriate, specify the Save As Type format as .xls, .csv, .mdb, .dbf, or .txt.

  4. On the Export Table dialog box, click Options.
  5. In the Excel Export Options dialog box, specify the information to export:
    • Select the columns to export.
    • Select Excel formatting options to apply to the data.

    For more information, see the Microsoft Excel Export Options dialog box page.