Add ordinate dimensions

  1. On the ribbon, click Annotate tab Dimension panel Ordinate .
  2. In the graphics window, select the view to dimension.
  3. Place the origin indicator.
  4. Select the geometry to dimension in the graphics window.
  5. Right-click and select Continue.
  6. Move the cursor to preview placement of the dimensions. Then click to place the dimensions.
  7. Optionally, click to select and add additional points.
  8. When finished, right-click and select OK.

Show Me how to create ordinate dimensions

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Add ordinate dimension sets

  1. On the ribbon, click Annotate tab Dimension panel Ordinate Set .
  2. Select the geometry to dimension in the graphics window.
  3. Right-click and select Continue.
  4. Move the cursor to preview placement of the dimensions. Then click to place the dimensions.
  5. To change options for the dimension set, right-click at any time and then select Options.
    • Make Origin moves the origin point to the selected point.
    • Allow broken leaders is selected by default. Clear the check mark to disallow broken leaders.
    • Positive both directions is selected by default. Dimensions are positive numbers from the zero origin point. Clear the check mark to make negative dimension numbers left of zero origin point.
    • Show Direction places an arrow on the origin dimension pointing in the positive direction.
    • Reverse direction switches the direction of positive numbers.
  6. Optionally, click to select and add additional points.
  7. When finished, right-click and then select Create.

    Show Me how to create an ordinate dimension set