Use the Export Files task to translate Inventor (*.ipt) and assembly (*.iam - Inventor, not available in Inventor LT) files to:
- IGES (*.igs, *.ige, *.iges) (Default output is *.igs.)
- STEP (*.stp, *.ste, *.step)
- DWG (*.dwg)
- SAT (*.sat)
- JT (*.jt)
- OBJ (*.obj)
- Parasolid (binary (*.x_b), text (*.x_t))
- Pro/ENGINEER (Granite (*.g), Neutral (*.neu))
- CATIA V5 (*.CATPart (part), *.CATProduct (product - Inventor only))
- STL (*.stl)
- 3D DWG (.ipt, .iam - Inventor) (AutoCAD DWG - Inventor LT)
The Export Files task also translates Inventor drawing (*.idw, *.dwg) files to DWG (*.dwg).
Note: Before you run the export task, migrate the legacy data you want to export.
Export options are available for each of the file types supported for import.
When you export files from Inventor with Task Scheduler, you specify the Inventor project. When exporting from within Inventor the active project file is used.