About the DWF Format and Collaboration

Publish drawings, parts, iParts, iAssemblies, weldments, sheet metal parts, mesh geometry, and presentations to DWF format and easily share with others.

The Design Web Format (DWF) is a compressed, secure format used to publish CAD data. Using the Inventor DWF Publisher, you can present an accurate visual representation of Autodesk Inventor assembly and part files, weldments, sheet metal parts, presentations, mesh geometry, and drawings (part and drawing files are available in Inventor LT).

Anyone can view and use DWF files published from Inventor using the free viewer, Autodesk Design Review. Sharing DWF files published from Inventor enables design reviews with others not who do not have Inventor and who need to participate in the design process. DWF files are highly compressed files and can be open quickly and easily shared through email.

Publishing from Autodesk Inventor creates DWF files that maintain design data such as line weights, scale, and mass properties for 2D and 3D files and can be in one file.


Hyperlinks guide you through published sheets and their content in the DWF file. The program adds hyperlinks to the sheets to connect them to the associate views, drawings, 3D models, or other data such as parts lists or bills of materials (assemblies and bill of materials not available in Inventor LT).

For example, a geometry hyperlink on a 2D sheet can link to related views and back, even when on other sheets. Views also can have links right to the 3D model all within the same DWF file.

When you move the cursor in the canvas area and the hyperlink is present, the cursor changes. A tooltip appears showing the destination of a hyperlink connection and instructions for following it. Clicking a hyperlink displays the linked 2D content.

DWF data

You can move, rotate, zoom in and out, and view a DWF model much the same as you can with an Autodesk Inventor model.

Most Autodesk Inventor data is visible, such as alternate representations, assembly features, weldments, model appearances. The program publishes the DWF model with the appearances used in the Autodesk Inventor model.

You can change the published background color of a drawing sheet by selecting Override Sheet Colors on the Drawing tab in the Publish Drawing dialog box.

The geometry cross-highlights in the viewer browser and graphics window.

Some limitations of DWF data are: