To Create and Edit Sketches

You can create, edit, or delete sketches.

Create a Sketch

What's New: 2018.1, 2018.2, 2020.1

Note: To enable or disable object snap in 3D Sketch, press the command in the status bar or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P.

Edit a Sketch

  1. Do any of the following:
    • Double-click the sketch icon in the browser.
    • Right-click the sketch in the browser and choose Edit Sketch or Edit 3D Sketch.
    • Right-click the sketch plane in the graphics area and choose Edit Sketch or Edit 3D Sketch.
  2. Use commands on the Sketch tab or 3D Sketch tab to add geometry and apply constraints, dimensions, and features.
  3. To reference other dimensions (parameters), select the feature to show the dimensions used to create it and click the dimension value you want to reference. Or, during sketching activity click another dimension to reference it.

Finish a Sketch

You must finish a sketch to exit the sketch environment.

Delete a Sketch