Create Patching Surface

Create a patching surface

Manually select, or automatically detect all internal patches in the plastic part.

  1. In the Core/Cavity tab, click Create Patching Surface.
  2. In the Create Patching Surface dialog box, choose Click to add to select edges manually, or select the Auto Detect button. Auto-detected patches are highlight on the part.
  3. If the position of the auto-detected patches is not suitable, in the Create Patching Surface dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Click All Upper or All Lower.
    • Select one patch, click the pull-down menu on the Position box, and then click Upper or Lower.
    • Select multiple patches, right-click them, and then click Upper or Lower.
    Note: You can select Position only for auto-detected patches that have no draft angle.
  4. If an auto-detected patch is not suitable, select it from the list, and then press the Delete key.
  5. To add a patch, click Click to Add, and then select edges in the graphics window.
  6. If the created patches are not suitable, select the patches and in the Option list, click Optional.
  7. Click OK.

Create a manual patch

Click Play to view the steps to create a manual patching surface.

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Change the patching surface color

  1. In the Mold Design browser, right-click the top Patching Surfaces node, and then click Change Display Color to change the color of all patching surfaces.
  2. Alternately, right-click one or more child nodes, and then click Change Display Color to change the color of individual patching surfaces.
  3. In the Change Display Color dialog box, select a new appearance from the drop-down list.
  4. Click OK.

Edit a patching surface

  1. In the Mold Design browser, under Patching Surfaces, right-click a Surface Group node, and then click Edit Feature.
  2. In the Create Patching Surface dialog box, modify the parameters.
  3. Click OK.

Delete a patching surface