Control sheet size, layout, standard views, and other features.
A new drawing or template usually contains a single drawing sheet. You can change the size and layout of the drawing sheet, and insert additional sheets. You can create custom sheet formats and use them to set the attributes of new sheets.
When you add a sheet to a drawing, a sheet format specifies its size, layout, and other characteristics. A sheet format also specifies a formatted sheet that includes standard elements such as a title block and border, and sets the standard drawing views.
Changing the sheet size changes the values in the Height and Width boxes. (You select a Custom Size to edit the Height and Width values.)
In a drawing template or a drawing file, you can define one or several sheet formats. After you add a sheet format to a drawing, it can be used to add new sheets to that drawing.
To be included in the format, views must be completely within the border of the sheet.
Sheet formats are stored in the Drawing Resources folder in the browser.
To make customized sheet formats available to new drawings, create them in a template file that you use to create new drawings. Define a sheet format for each sheet type that you use.
Create a Sheet Format
- Add a new sheet to the drawing.
- Right-click the sheet in the browser, and click Edit Sheet.
- In the Edit Sheet dialog box, set the format and orientation for the sheet. Then click OK.
- Add the standard components to the sheet, including a border, title block, and standard drawing views.
- In the browser, right-click the sheet and select Create Sheet Format.
- Enter the name for the new sheet format in the edit box.
Edit a Sheet Format
You cannot edit a sheet format directly.
- Create a sheet based on the sheet format, and edit the sheet elements.
- Delete the sheet format, and save the edited sheet as a new sheet format with the same name.
Add a Sheet to a Drawing
- Click
Place Views tab
Sheets panel
New Sheet
- Specify the Size, Height, Width, and Orientation for the new sheet.
Add a Sheet that Has a Specific Format
- In the browser, expand Drawing Resources and Sheet Formats.
- Double-click the sheet format to use.
- (Optional) In the Select Component dialog, select a model file to place views of the model in the sheet. (Skipping this step inserts a sheet without views.)
Edit a Drawing Sheet
- Right-click the sheet in the graphics window or the sheet name in the browser.
- Select Edit Sheet from the menu.
- Change the settings in the Edit Sheet dialog:
- Revision. Specifies the revision number of the sheet. If the Update property on revision number edit option is selected for the corresponding revision table, the revision number in the active row of the revision table is updated accordingly.
- Name. Specifies the name of the sheet as it appears in the browser.
- Size. Sets a sheet size or format. Changing the sheet size changes the values in the Height and Width boxes. Select a Custom Size to edit the Height and Width values.
- Exclude from count and Exclude from printing. Specify whether to exclude the selected sheet in the count of sheets or when printing the drawing.
Delete Drawing Sheets
- In the browser, select one or more sheets to delete.
- Right-click, and select Delete from the menu.
- (Optional) To change which sheets are selected for deletion, in the Delete Sheets dialog, click More, and then specify which sheets to delete.
- Click OK to delete selected sheets.