Deprecated List

Deprecated List
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2020, use APP_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_PRIVATE_DIR.
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2020, use APP_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_PUBLIC_DIR.
globalScope> Member APPLICATION_ID
As of 3ds Max 2016, there is only one product.
Class ClassDesc2_Extension2017SP2
This has been deprecated as of 3ds Max 2020, please use MaxSdk::ClassDesc2 instead
globalScope> Member ComputeBumpVectors (const Point3 tv[3], const Point3 v[3], Point3 bvec[3])
Do not use this function. Use ComputeBumpVec2D() instead. This is here for compatibility only.
globalScope> Member CTRL_MATRIX3_CLASS_ID

Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2013. Use CTRL_POSITION_CLASS_ID instead.

Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2013. Use CTRL_ROTATION_CLASS_ID instead.

Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2013. Use CTRL_ROTATION_CLASS_ID instead.

globalScope> Member DiagSort (int dnum, int *diag)
This function is deprecated in Max 2020. Please use MaxSDK::SortPolygonDiagonals().
globalScope> Member I_RENDER_ID
in 3ds Max 2017. IInteractiveRender is now queried through Renderer::GetIInteractiveRender(), rather than through the interface mechanism.
Member ILightingUnits::ConvertIlluminanceToAS (double SI_IlluminanceValue) const =0
Use ConvertValue().
Member ILightingUnits::ConvertIlluminanceToCurrSystem (double illuminanceValue) const =0
Use ConvertToDisplay().
Member ILightingUnits::ConvertIlluminanceToCurrSystem (double illuminanceValue, int inputType) const =0
Use ConvertToDisplay().
Member ILightingUnits::ConvertIlluminanceToSI (double AS_IlluminanceValue) const =0
Use ConvertValue().
Member ILightingUnits::ConvertLuminanceToAS (double SI_LuminanceValue) const =0
Use ConvertValue().
Member ILightingUnits::ConvertLuminanceToCurrSystem (double luminanceValue) const =0
Use ConvertToDisplay().
Member ILightingUnits::ConvertLuminanceToCurrSystem (double luminanceValue, int inputType) const =0
Use ConvertToDisplay().
Member ILightingUnits::ConvertLuminanceToSI (double AS_LuminanceValue) const =0
Use ConvertValue().
Member IndexBufferHandle::Initialize (IndexType type)
Deprecated method in terms of implementation as of 3ds Max 2016.
Member Interface7::GetPrimaryVisibility (INode *node)
This function deprecated in Max 2017. Please use INode::GetPrimaryVisibility().
Member Interface7::GetSecondaryVisibility (INode *node)
This function deprecated in Max 2017. Please use INode::GetSecondaryVisibility().
Member Interface7::SetPrimaryVisibility (INode *node, BOOL onOff)
This function deprecated in Max 2017. Please use INode::SetPrimaryVisibility().
Member Interface7::SetSecondaryVisibility (INode *node, BOOL onOff)
This function deprecated in Max 2017. Please use INode::SetSecondaryVisibility().
Member IPathConfigMgrEx::GetExchangeStorePlugInInstallPath (const MSTR &) const MAX_SEALED
Use MaxSDK::PluginPackageManager::GetInstance()->GetPackageInstallPathByUpgradeCode(const MCHAR* upgradeCode).
Member IPopulate::eDisplaySegmented
Deprecated in 3ds Max 2015. Segmented characters are not supported. Setting the display type to segmented will do nothing.
globalScope> Member IRenderElementCompatible
in 3ds Max 2017. All methods of IRenderElementCompatible have been moved to class Renderer.
globalScope> Member IRendererRequirements
in 3ds Max 2017. All methods of IRendererRequirements have been moved to class Renderer.
globalScope> Member kBackground
As of 3ds Max 2017, used kBackgroundOdd instead.
globalScope> Member kHilight
As of 3ds Max 2017, won't be used any more.
globalScope> Member kShadow
As of 3ds Max 2017, won't be used any more.
globalScope> Member kToolTipBackground
As of 3ds Max 2019, use kToolTipViewportBackground instead.
globalScope> Member kToolTipText
As of 3ds Max 2019, use kToolTipViewportBackground instead.
globalScope> Member kWindow
As of 3ds Max 2017, use kBackgroundOdd instead.
globalScope> Member kWindowText
As of 3ds Max 2017, used kText instead.
Member MaxSDK::IAbortableRenderer
in 3ds Max 2017. All methods of IAbortableRenderer have been moved to class IInteractiveRenderer.
Member MaxSDK::IStoppableRenderer
in 3ds Max 2017. All methods of IStoppableRenderer have been moved to class Renderer.
Member Modifier::NeedUseSubselButton ()
This method is no longer used.
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2020, notification is never sent.
globalScope> Member PARTICLE_SYS_CLASS_ID
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2020, use Object::IsParticleSystem() to determine if an object is a particle system.
globalScope> Member PRE_NEW_KEEP_OBJECTS
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2019.1, use PRE_NEW_NEW_ALL instead.
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2019.1, use PRE_NEW_NEW_ALL instead.
Member RendParams::GetRenderMode ()
Removed in Max 2017; this method never worked correctly.
globalScope> Member RendProgressCallback2
in 3ds Max 2017. All methods of RendProgressCallback2 have been moved to class RendProgressCallback.
globalScope> Member save_error_source_data (MAXScript_TLS *tls=nullptr)
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2017. Use ScopedPushControl instead.
Class ScopedMaxScriptSEHandler
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2017. Use ScopedSaveCurrentFrames instead.
Class ScopedSaveCurrentFrames
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2017. Use ScopedValueTempArray instead.
Class ScopedValueTempArray
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2017. Use return_value_tls instead. value local storage handled by MXS_Exit_ValueLocal_Scope instances
Member ShadeContext::IsPhysicalSpace () const
This method merely forwarded the call to globContext->pToneOp. For simplicity of maintenance, it has been removed; globContext->pToneOp should be used directly instead. Make sure to check that both globContext and pToneOp are not null.
Member ShadeContext::ScaledToRGB (float energy) const
This method merely forwarded the call to globContext->pToneOp. For simplicity of maintenance, it has been removed; globContext->pToneOp should be used directly instead. Make sure to check that both globContext and pToneOp are not null.
Member ShadeContext::ScaledToRGB (T &energy) const
This method merely forwarded the call to globContext->pToneOp. For simplicity of maintenance, it has been removed; globContext->pToneOp should be used directly instead. Make sure to check that both globContext and pToneOp are not null.
Member ShadeContext::ScaledToRGB ()
This method merely forwarded the call to globContext->pToneOp. For simplicity of maintenance, it has been removed; globContext->pToneOp should be used directly instead. Make sure to check that both globContext and pToneOp are not null.
Member ShadeContext::ScalePhysical (T &energy) const
This method merely forwarded the call to globContext->pToneOp. For simplicity of maintenance, it has been removed; globContext->pToneOp should be used directly instead. Make sure to check that both globContext and pToneOp are not null.
Member ShadeContext::ScalePhysical (float energy) const
This method merely forwarded the call to globContext->pToneOp. For simplicity of maintenance, it has been removed; globContext->pToneOp should be used directly instead. Make sure to check that both globContext and pToneOp are not null.
Member ShadeContext::ScaleRGB (float energy) const
This method merely forwarded the call to globContext->pToneOp. For simplicity of maintenance, it has been removed; globContext->pToneOp should be used directly instead. Make sure to check that both globContext and pToneOp are not null.
Member ShadeContext::ScaleRGB (T &energy) const
This method merely forwarded the call to globContext->pToneOp. For simplicity of maintenance, it has been removed; globContext->pToneOp should be used directly instead. Make sure to check that both globContext and pToneOp are not null.
Member ShapeObject::NumberOfCurves ()
This function deprecated in Max 2018. Please use ShapeObject::NumberOfCurves(TimeValue t).
Member SimpleModBase::SimpleModClone (SimpleModBase *smodSource, RemapDir &remap)
Use SimpleModBaseClone(SimpleModBase *smodSource, RemapDir& remap ) or SimpleMod2::SimpleMod2Clone if deriving from SimpleMod2.
Member SimpleSpline::SimpleSplineClone (SimpleSpline *ssplSource)
Use SimpleSplineClone(SimpleSpline *ssplSource, RemapDir& remap )
globalScope> Member templated_return_value_fn (Type r)
Deprecated as of 3ds Max 2017. value local storage handled by MXS_Exit_ValueLocal_Scope instances
Member ToneOperator::IsPhysicalSpace () const
This method no longer served a purpose and has been removed.
Member VertexBufferHandle::Initialize (size_t stride)
Deprecated method in 3ds Max 2017. Use full parameters to initialize vertex buffer
Module XRef options
Deprecated in terms of implementation as of 3ds Max 2017. Please use the function GetTracksStatus/SetTracksStatus instead.