Used to gamma correct and de-gamma colors in various formats.
tuple | DeGammaCorrect = staticmethod(DeGammaCorrect) |
tuple | DisplayGammaCorrect = staticmethod(DisplayGammaCorrect) |
tuple | Enable = staticmethod(Enable) |
tuple | GammaCorrect = staticmethod(GammaCorrect) |
tuple | GetDisplayGamma = staticmethod(GetDisplayGamma) |
tuple | GetDitherPaletted = staticmethod(GetDitherPaletted) |
tuple | GetDitherTrue = staticmethod(GetDitherTrue) |
tuple | GetFileInGamma = staticmethod(GetFileInGamma) |
tuple | GetFileOutGamma = staticmethod(GetFileOutGamma) |
tuple | IsEnabled = staticmethod(IsEnabled) |
tuple | SetDisplayGamma = staticmethod(SetDisplayGamma) |
tuple | SetDitherPaletted = staticmethod(SetDitherPaletted) |
tuple | SetDitherTrue = staticmethod(SetDitherTrue) |
tuple | SetFileInGamma = staticmethod(SetFileInGamma) |
tuple | SetFileOutGamma = staticmethod(SetFileOutGamma) |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |