The interface to scene graph nodes. In addition to pointers to its a parent and children, a node contains references to the material and object and maintains information about its translation, rotation, and scale in 3D space.
Public Member Functions | |
def | AddModifier (self, args) |
def | AddNewXRefFile (self, args) |
def | AlignPivot (self, args) |
def | AlignToParent (self, args) |
def | AlignToWorld (self, args) |
def | AttachChild (self, args) |
def | AttachNodesToGroup (args) |
def | BindToTarget (self, args) |
def | BindXRefFile (self, args) |
def | BoneAsLine (self, args) |
def | CenterPivot (self, args) |
def | CloseGroup (args) |
def | Collapse |
def | CollapseTo (self, args) |
def | Convert (self, args) |
def | CopyProperties (self, args) |
def | CreateCopy (self) |
def | CreateInstance (self) |
def | CreateReference (self) |
def | CreateTreeCopy (self) |
def | CreateTreeInstance (self) |
def | CreateTreeReference (self) |
def | Delete (self, args) |
def | DeleteAllXRefs (self) |
def | DeleteModifier (self, args) |
def | DeleteNodes (args) |
def | DeleteXRefFile (self, args) |
def | Deselect (self) |
def | Detach (self, args) |
def | DetachNodesFromGroup (args) |
def | DisposeTemporary (self) |
def | EvalWorldState (self, args) |
def | ExplodeNodes (args) |
def | FindNodeFromBaseObject (args) |
def | FlagForeground (self, args) |
def | FlagXrefChanged (self, args) |
def | FlashNodes (args) |
def | GetActualINode (self) |
def | GetAffectChildren () |
def | GetAllEdges (self) |
def | GetApplyAtmospherics (self) |
def | GetAssemblyBBoxDisplay (self) |
def | GetBackCull (self) |
def | GetBaseObject (self) |
def | GetBoneAutoAlign (self) |
def | GetBoneAxis (self) |
def | GetBoneAxisFlip (self) |
def | GetBoneFreezeLen (self) |
def | GetBoneNodeOnOff (self) |
def | GetBoneNodeOnOff_T (self, args) |
def | GetBoneScaleType (self) |
def | GetBoxMode (self) |
def | GetCastShadows (self) |
def | GetChild (self, args) |
def | GetDerivedObject (self) |
def | GetDisplayByLayer (self) |
def | GetFaceCount (self, args) |
def | GetGBufID (self) |
def | GetGenerateCaustics (self) |
def | GetGenerateGlobalIllum (self) |
def | GetHandle (self) |
def | GetIgnoreExtents (self) |
def | GetImageBlurMultiplier (self, args) |
def | GetInheritVisibility (self) |
def | GetINodeByHandle (args) |
def | GetINodeByName (args) |
def | GetINodeFromRenderID (args) |
def | GetIsRoot (self) |
def | GetLayer (self) |
def | GetLayerName (self) |
def | GetLocalPosition (self, args) |
def | GetLocalRotation (self, args) |
def | GetLocalScale (self, args) |
def | GetLocalTM (self, args) |
def | GetLookatNode (self) |
def | GetMaterial (self) |
def | GetModifier (self, args) |
def | GetMotionBlurOnOff (self) |
def | GetMotionBlurType (self) |
def | GetMotionByLayer (self) |
def | GetName (self) |
def | GetNeverDegrade (self) |
def | GetNumChildren (self) |
def | GetNumModifiers (self) |
def | GetObject (self) |
def | GetObjectRef (self) |
def | GetObjectTM (self, args) |
def | GetObjOffsetPosition (self) |
def | GetObjOffsetRotation (self) |
def | GetObjOffsetScale (self) |
def | GetObjOrWSMRef (self) |
def | GetObjTMAfterWSM (self, args) |
def | GetObjTMBeforeWSM (self, args) |
def | GetParent (self) |
def | GetParentTM (self, args) |
def | GetPivotMode () |
def | GetPositionTaskWeight (self) |
def | GetPositionX (self, args) |
def | GetPositionY (self, args) |
def | GetPositionZ (self, args) |
def | GetPrimaryVisibility (self) |
def | GetReceiveCaustics (self) |
def | GetReceiveGlobalIllum (self) |
def | GetReceiveShadows (self) |
def | GetRenderable (self) |
def | GetRenderByLayer (self) |
def | GetRenderOccluded (self) |
def | GetRotationTaskWeight (self) |
def | GetSecondaryVisibility (self) |
def | GetSeeThrough (self) |
def | GetSeeThroughObject (self) |
def | GetSelected (self) |
def | GetShadeVertexColors (self) |
def | GetShowFrozenWithMtl (self) |
def | GetStretchTM (self, args) |
def | GetTarget (self) |
def | GetTargetNodePair (self) |
def | GetTargetTM (self, args) |
def | GetTaskAxisState (self, args) |
def | GetTaskAxisStateBits (self) |
def | GetTMController (self) |
def | GetTrajectoryON (self) |
def | GetTransformLock (self, args) |
def | GetUserPropBuffer (self, args) |
def | GetVertexColorMapChannel (self) |
def | GetVertexColorMode (self) |
def | GetVertexColorType (self) |
def | GetVertexCount (self, args) |
def | GetVertTicks (self) |
def | GetVisibility (self, args) |
def | GetVisibilityController (self) |
def | GetWireColor (self) |
def | GetWorldPosition (self, args) |
def | GetWorldRotation (self, args) |
def | GetWorldScale (self, args) |
def | GetWorldTM (self, args) |
def | GetXRefFile (self, args) |
def | GetXRefFileCount (self) |
def | GetXRefFlags (self, args) |
def | GetXRefParent (self, args) |
def | GetXRefTree (self, args) |
def | GroupNodes (args) |
def | InsertModifier (self, args) |
def | IntersectRay (self, args) |
def | InvalidateObjectCache (self) |
def | InvalidateRect (self, args) |
def | InvalidateTM (self) |
def | InvalidateTreeTM (self) |
def | InvalidateWS (self) |
def | IsActiveGrid (self) |
def | IsAssemblyHead (self) |
def | IsAssemblyHeadMemberOf (self, args) |
def | IsAssemblyHeadOpen (self) |
def | IsAssemblyMember (self) |
def | IsAssemblyMemberOpen (self) |
def | IsBoneOnly (self) |
def | IsBoneShowing (self) |
def | IsDependent (self) |
def | IsFrozen (self) |
def | IsGroupHead (self) |
def | IsGroupMember (self) |
def | IsHidden |
def | IsNodeHidden |
def | IsObjectFrozen (self) |
def | IsObjectHidden (self) |
def | IsOpenGroupHead (self) |
def | IsOpenGroupMember (self) |
def | IsSceneXRef (self) |
def | IsTarget (self) |
def | MayResetTransform (self) |
def | Move (self, args) |
def | NodeColorPicker (args) |
def | OpenGroup (args) |
def | RealignBoneToChild (self, args) |
def | ReloadXRef (self, args) |
def | ResetBoneStretch (self, args) |
def | ResetPivot (self, args) |
def | ResetTransform (self, args) |
def | Rotate (self, args) |
def | Scale (self, args) |
def | Select |
def | SetAffectChildren (args) |
def | SetAllEdges (self, args) |
def | SetApplyAtmospherics (self, args) |
def | SetAssemblyBBoxDisplay (self, args) |
def | SetAssemblyHead (self, args) |
def | SetAssemblyHeadOpen (self, args) |
def | SetAssemblyMember (self, args) |
def | SetAssemblyMemberOpen (self, args) |
def | SetBackCull (self, args) |
def | SetBaseObject (self, args) |
def | SetBoneAutoAlign (self, args) |
def | SetBoneAxis (self, args) |
def | SetBoneAxisFlip (self, args) |
def | SetBoneFreezeLen (self, args) |
def | SetBoneNodeOnOff (self, args) |
def | SetBoneScaleType (self, args) |
def | SetBoxMode (self, args) |
def | SetCastShadows (self, args) |
def | SetDisplayByLayer (self, args) |
def | SetFrozen (self, args) |
def | SetGBufID (self, args) |
def | SetGenerateCaustics (self, args) |
def | SetGenerateGlobalIllum (self, args) |
def | SetGroupHead (self, args) |
def | SetGroupHeadOpen (self, args) |
def | SetGroupMember (self, args) |
def | SetGroupMemberOpen (self, args) |
def | SetHidden (self, args) |
def | SetIgnoreExtents (self, args) |
def | SetImageBlurMultiplier (self, args) |
def | SetInheritVisibility (self, args) |
def | SetIsTarget (self, args) |
def | SetLocalPosition (self, args) |
def | SetLocalRotation (self, args) |
def | SetLocalScale (self, args) |
def | SetLocalTM (self, args) |
def | SetMaterial (self, args) |
def | SetMotionBlurOnOff (self, args) |
def | SetMotionBlurType (self, args) |
def | SetMotionByLayer (self, args) |
def | SetName (self, args) |
def | SetNeverDegrade (self, args) |
def | SetNodeAttribute (args) |
def | SetNodeTMRelConstPlane (self, args) |
def | SetObject (self, args) |
def | SetObjectRef (self, args) |
def | SetObjOffsetPosition (self, args) |
def | SetObjOffsetRotation (self, args) |
def | SetObjOffsetScale (self, args) |
def | SetParent (self, args) |
def | SetPivotMode (args) |
def | SetPositionTaskWeight (self, args) |
def | SetPositionX (self, args) |
def | SetPositionY (self, args) |
def | SetPositionZ (self, args) |
def | SetPrimaryVisibility (self, args) |
def | SetReceiveCaustics (self, args) |
def | SetReceiveGlobalIllum (self, args) |
def | SetReceiveShadows (self, args) |
def | SetRenderable (self, args) |
def | SetRenderByLayer (self, args) |
def | SetRenderOccluded (self, args) |
def | SetRotationTaskWeight (self, args) |
def | SetSecondaryVisibility (self, args) |
def | SetSeeThrough (self, args) |
def | SetShadeVertexColors (self, args) |
def | SetShowFrozenWithMtl (self, args) |
def | SetTargetNodePair (self, args) |
def | SetTaskAxisState (self, args) |
def | SetTMController (self, args) |
def | SetTrajectoryON (self, args) |
def | SetTransformLock (self, args) |
def | SetUserPropBuffer (self, args) |
def | SetVertexColorMapChannel (self, args) |
def | SetVertexColorMode (self, args) |
def | SetVertexColorType (self, args) |
def | SetVertTicks (self, args) |
def | SetVisibility (self, args) |
def | SetVisibilityController (self, args) |
def | SetWireColor (self, args) |
def | SetWorldPosition (self, args) |
def | SetWorldRotation (self, args) |
def | SetWorldScale (self, args) |
def | SetWorldTM (self, args) |
def | SetXRefFile (self, args) |
def | SetXRefFlags (self, args) |
def | SetXRefParent (self, args) |
def | ShowBone (self, args) |
def | UnfreezeObjectAndLayer |
def | UngroupNodes (args) |
def | UnhideObjectAndLayer |
def | UpdateChangedXRefs |
def | WorldAlignPivot (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | FindDependentNode (self) |
def | MaybeAutoDelete (self) |
def | NotifyTarget (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | ClearFlagInHierarchy (self, args) |
def | DeleteMe (self) |
def | DeleteReference (self, args) |
def | FindRef (self, args) |
def | GetNumRefs (self) |
def | GetReference (self, args) |
def | NotifyChanged (self) |
def | NotifyDependents (self, args) |
def | ReplaceReference (self, args) |
def | RescaleWorldUnits (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | AddNewKey (self, args) |
def | AssignController (self, args) |
def | CanAssignController (self, args) |
def | CanCopyAnim (self) |
def | CanCopyTrack (self, args) |
def | CanDeleteSubAnim (self, args) |
def | CanMakeUnique (self) |
def | ClearAFlag (self, args) |
def | ClearAFlagEx (self, args) |
def | ClearAllAppData (self) |
def | ClearFlagBit (self, args) |
def | ClearFlagInAllAnimatables (args) |
def | CopyKeysFromTime (self, args) |
def | DeleteAppData (self, args) |
def | DeleteKeyAtTime (self, args) |
def | DeleteKeyByIndex (self, args) |
def | DeleteKeys (self, args) |
def | DeleteSubAnim (self, args) |
def | DeleteTime (self, args) |
def | DoesSupportTimeOperations (self) |
def | EditTimeRange (self, args) |
def | FreeCaches (self) |
def | GetAnimByHandle (args) |
def | GetAnimHandle (self) |
def | GetAppData (self, args) |
def | GetClassID (self) |
def | GetClassName (self) |
def | GetCustomAttributeContainer (self) |
def | GetHasSubElements |
def | GetKeyIndex (self, args) |
def | GetKeyTime (self, args) |
def | GetNextKeyTime (self, args) |
def | GetNodeName (self) |
def | GetNumKeys (self) |
def | GetNumSubAnims (self) |
def | GetParameterBlock (self) |
def | GetSubAnim (self, args) |
def | GetSubAnimName (self, args) |
def | GetSuperClassID (self) |
def | GetTimeRange (self, args) |
def | InsertTime (self, args) |
def | IsAnimated (self) |
def | IsKeyAtTime (self, args) |
def | IsSubClassOf (self, args) |
def | MoveKeys (self, args) |
def | ReverseTime (self, args) |
def | ScaleKeyValues (self, args) |
def | ScaleTime (self, args) |
def | SetAFlag (self, args) |
def | SetAFlagEx (self, args) |
def | SetAppData (self, args) |
def | SetFlagBit (self, args) |
def | SubNumToRefNum (self, args) |
def | TestAFlag (self, args) |
def | TestAFlagEx (self, args) |
def | TestFlagBit (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | GetInterface (self, args) |
![]() | |
def | GetUnwrappedPtr (self) |
Static Public Attributes | |
tuple | AllEdges = _swig_property(GetAllEdges, SetAllEdges) |
tuple | ApplyAtmospherics = _swig_property(GetApplyAtmospherics, SetApplyAtmospherics) |
tuple | AttachNodesToGroup = staticmethod(AttachNodesToGroup) |
tuple | BackfaceCull = _swig_property(GetBackCull, SetBackCull) |
tuple | BaseObject = _swig_property(GetBaseObject, SetBaseObject) |
tuple | BoxMode = _swig_property(GetBoxMode, SetBoxMode) |
tuple | CastShadows = _swig_property(GetCastShadows, SetCastShadows) |
tuple | Children = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetChild(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumChildren()))) |
tuple | CloseGroup = staticmethod(CloseGroup) |
tuple | DeleteNodes = staticmethod(DeleteNodes) |
tuple | DetachNodesFromGroup = staticmethod(DetachNodesFromGroup) |
tuple | ExplodeNodes = staticmethod(ExplodeNodes) |
tuple | FaceCount = _swig_property(GetFaceCount) |
tuple | FindNodeFromBaseObject = staticmethod(FindNodeFromBaseObject) |
tuple | FlashNodes = staticmethod(FlashNodes) |
tuple | Freeze = _swig_property(IsFrozen, SetFrozen) |
tuple | GBufferID = _swig_property(GetGBufID, SetGBufID) |
tuple | GetAffectChildren = staticmethod(GetAffectChildren) |
tuple | GetINodeByHandle = staticmethod(GetINodeByHandle) |
tuple | GetINodeByName = staticmethod(GetINodeByName) |
tuple | GetINodeFromRenderID = staticmethod(GetINodeFromRenderID) |
tuple | GetPivotMode = staticmethod(GetPivotMode) |
tuple | GroupNodes = staticmethod(GroupNodes) |
tuple | Hide = _swig_property(IsNodeHidden, SetHidden) |
tuple | IgnoreExtents = _swig_property(GetIgnoreExtents, SetIgnoreExtents) |
tuple | InheritVisibility = _swig_property(GetInheritVisibility, SetInheritVisibility) |
tuple | IsRoot = _swig_property(GetIsRoot) |
tuple | LayerName = _swig_property(GetLayerName) |
tuple | LocalPosition = _swig_property(GetLocalPosition, SetLocalPosition) |
tuple | LocalRotation = _swig_property(GetLocalRotation, SetLocalRotation) |
tuple | LocalScaling = _swig_property(GetLocalScale, SetLocalScale) |
tuple | LocalTransform = _swig_property(GetLocalTM, SetLocalTM) |
tuple | Material = _swig_property(GetMaterial, SetMaterial) |
tuple | Modifiers = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetModifier(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumModifiers()))) |
tuple | MotionBlurEnabled = _swig_property(GetMotionBlurOnOff, SetMotionBlurOnOff) |
tuple | MotionBlurMultiplier = _swig_property(GetImageBlurMultiplier, SetImageBlurMultiplier) |
tuple | MotionBlurType = _swig_property(GetMotionBlurType, SetMotionBlurType) |
tuple | Name = _swig_property(GetName, SetName) |
tuple | NeverDegrade = _swig_property(GetNeverDegrade, SetNeverDegrade) |
tuple | NodeColorPicker = staticmethod(NodeColorPicker) |
tuple | NumChildren = _swig_property(GetNumChildren) |
tuple | NumModifiers = _swig_property(GetNumModifiers) |
tuple | Object = _swig_property(GetObject, SetObject) |
tuple | OpenGroup = staticmethod(OpenGroup) |
tuple | Parent = _swig_property(GetParent, SetParent) |
tuple | Position = _swig_property(GetWorldPosition, SetWorldPosition) |
tuple | PrimaryVisibility = _swig_property(GetPrimaryVisibility, SetPrimaryVisibility) |
tuple | ReceiveShadows = _swig_property(GetReceiveShadows, SetReceiveShadows) |
tuple | Renderable = _swig_property(GetRenderable, SetRenderable) |
tuple | RenderOccluded = _swig_property(GetRenderOccluded, SetRenderOccluded) |
tuple | Rotation = _swig_property(GetWorldRotation, SetWorldRotation) |
tuple | Scaling = _swig_property(GetWorldScale, SetWorldScale) |
tuple | SecondaryVisibility = _swig_property(GetSecondaryVisibility, SetSecondaryVisibility) |
tuple | SeeThrough = _swig_property(GetSeeThrough, SetSeeThrough) |
tuple | SetAffectChildren = staticmethod(SetAffectChildren) |
tuple | SetNodeAttribute = staticmethod(SetNodeAttribute) |
tuple | SetPivotMode = staticmethod(SetPivotMode) |
tuple | ShadeVertexColors = _swig_property(GetShadeVertexColors, SetShadeVertexColors) |
tuple | ShowFrozenWithMtl = _swig_property(GetShowFrozenWithMtl, SetShowFrozenWithMtl) |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
tuple | Trajectory = _swig_property(GetTrajectoryON, SetTrajectoryON) |
tuple | Transform = _swig_property(GetWorldTM, SetWorldTM) |
tuple | UngroupNodes = staticmethod(UngroupNodes) |
tuple | VertexColorMapChannel = _swig_property(GetVertexColorMapChannel, SetVertexColorMapChannel) |
tuple | VertexColorMode = _swig_property(GetVertexColorMode, SetVertexColorMode) |
tuple | VertexColorType = _swig_property(GetVertexColorType, SetVertexColorType) |
tuple | VertexCount = _swig_property(GetVertexCount) |
tuple | VertexTicks = _swig_property(GetVertTicks, SetVertTicks) |
tuple | Visibility = _swig_property(GetVisibility, SetVisibility) |
tuple | WireColor = _swig_property(GetWireColor, SetWireColor) |
tuple | X = _swig_property(GetPositionX, SetPositionX) |
tuple | Y = _swig_property(GetPositionY, SetPositionY) |
tuple | Z = _swig_property(GetPositionZ, SetPositionZ) |
![]() | |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | NumRefs = _swig_property(GetNumRefs) |
tuple | Refs = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetReference(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumRefs()))) |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | AnimHandle = _swig_property(GetAnimHandle) |
tuple | ClassID = _swig_property(GetClassID) |
tuple | ClearFlagInAllAnimatables = staticmethod(ClearFlagInAllAnimatables) |
tuple | GetAnimByHandle = staticmethod(GetAnimByHandle) |
tuple | KeyTimes = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetKeyTime(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumKeys()))) |
tuple | NodeName = _swig_property(GetNodeName) |
tuple | NumSubAnims = _swig_property(GetNumSubAnims) |
tuple | ParameterBlock = _swig_property(GetParameterBlock) |
tuple | SubAnimNames = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetSubAnimName(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumSubAnims()))) |
tuple | SubAnims = _swig_property(lambda self: (self.GetSubAnim(i) for i in xrange(self.GetNumSubAnims()))) |
tuple | SuperClassID = _swig_property(GetSuperClassID) |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
![]() | |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
def AddModifier | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AddModifier(INode self, Modifier m) -> Autodesk::Max::ResCode::Type
def AddNewXRefFile | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AddNewXRefFile(INode self, Asset file, bool loadNow=True, bool hideInManagerUI=False) -> bool AddNewXRefFile(INode self, Asset file, bool loadNow=True) -> bool AddNewXRefFile(INode self, Asset file) -> bool
def AlignPivot | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AlignPivot(INode self, TimeValue t, bool moveObject)
def AlignToParent | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AlignToParent(INode self, TimeValue t)
def AlignToWorld | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AlignToWorld(INode self, TimeValue t)
def AttachChild | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
AttachChild(INode self, INode node, int keepTM=1) AttachChild(INode self, INode node)
def AttachNodesToGroup | ( | args | ) |
AttachNodesToGroup(INodeTab nodes, INode pTargetNode) -> bool
def BindToTarget | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
BindToTarget(INode self, INode targNode) -> bool
def BindXRefFile | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
BindXRefFile(INode self, int i) -> bool
def BoneAsLine | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
BoneAsLine(INode self, bool onOff)
def CenterPivot | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
CenterPivot(INode self, TimeValue t, bool moveObject)
def CloseGroup | ( | args | ) |
CloseGroup(INodeTab nodes, bool selGroup=True) CloseGroup(INodeTab nodes) CloseGroup(bool selGroup=True) CloseGroup()
def Collapse | ( | self, | |
noWarning = False |
) |
Collapse(INode self, bool noWarning=False) Collapse(INode self)
def CollapseTo | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
CollapseTo(INode self, int modIndex, bool noWarning=False) -> bool CollapseTo(INode self, int modIndex) -> bool
def Convert | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
Convert(INode self, Class_ID cid) -> bool
def CopyProperties | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
CopyProperties(INode self, INode other)
def CreateCopy | ( | self | ) |
CreateCopy(INode self) -> INode
def CreateInstance | ( | self | ) |
CreateInstance(INode self) -> INode
def CreateReference | ( | self | ) |
CreateReference(INode self) -> INode
def CreateTreeCopy | ( | self | ) |
CreateTreeCopy(INode self) -> INode
def CreateTreeInstance | ( | self | ) |
CreateTreeInstance(INode self) -> INode
def CreateTreeReference | ( | self | ) |
CreateTreeReference(INode self) -> INode
def Delete | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
Delete(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), int keepChildPosition=False) Delete(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) Delete(INode self)
def DeleteAllXRefs | ( | self | ) |
DeleteAllXRefs(INode self)
def DeleteModifier | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
DeleteModifier(INode self, int n) -> Autodesk::Max::ResCode::Type
def DeleteNodes | ( | args | ) |
DeleteNodes(INodeTab aNodes, bool aKeepChildTM=True, bool aRedraw=True, bool overrideSlaveTM=False) -> unsigned int DeleteNodes(INodeTab aNodes, bool aKeepChildTM=True, bool aRedraw=True) -> unsigned int DeleteNodes(INodeTab aNodes, bool aKeepChildTM=True) -> unsigned int DeleteNodes(INodeTab aNodes) -> unsigned int
def DeleteXRefFile | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
DeleteXRefFile(INode self, int i) -> bool
def Deselect | ( | self | ) |
Deselect(INode self)
def Detach | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
Detach(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), int keepTM=1) Detach(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) Detach(INode self)
def DetachNodesFromGroup | ( | args | ) |
DetachNodesFromGroup(INodeTab nodes) -> bool
def DisposeTemporary | ( | self | ) |
DisposeTemporary(INode self)
def EvalWorldState | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
EvalWorldState(INode self, TimeValue time=Autodesk::Max::Now(), bool evalHidden=True) -> ObjectState EvalWorldState(INode self, TimeValue time=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> ObjectState EvalWorldState(INode self) -> ObjectState
def ExplodeNodes | ( | args | ) |
ExplodeNodes(INodeTab nodes) ExplodeNodes()
def FindNodeFromBaseObject | ( | args | ) |
FindNodeFromBaseObject(ReferenceTarget obj) -> INode
def FlagForeground | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
FlagForeground(INode self, TimeValue t, bool notify=True) FlagForeground(INode self, TimeValue t)
def FlagXrefChanged | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
FlagXrefChanged(INode self, int i)
def FlashNodes | ( | args | ) |
FlashNodes(INodeTab nodes)
def GetActualINode | ( | self | ) |
GetActualINode(INode self) -> INode
def GetAffectChildren | ( | ) |
GetAffectChildren() -> bool
def GetAllEdges | ( | self | ) |
GetAllEdges(INode self) -> bool
def GetApplyAtmospherics | ( | self | ) |
GetApplyAtmospherics(INode self) -> bool
def GetAssemblyBBoxDisplay | ( | self | ) |
GetAssemblyBBoxDisplay(INode self) -> bool
def GetBackCull | ( | self | ) |
GetBackCull(INode self) -> bool
def GetBaseObject | ( | self | ) |
GetBaseObject(INode self) -> Object
def GetBoneAutoAlign | ( | self | ) |
GetBoneAutoAlign(INode self) -> bool
def GetBoneAxis | ( | self | ) |
GetBoneAxis(INode self) -> int
def GetBoneAxisFlip | ( | self | ) |
GetBoneAxisFlip(INode self) -> bool
def GetBoneFreezeLen | ( | self | ) |
GetBoneFreezeLen(INode self) -> bool
def GetBoneNodeOnOff | ( | self | ) |
GetBoneNodeOnOff(INode self) -> bool
def GetBoneNodeOnOff_T | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetBoneNodeOnOff_T(INode self, TimeValue t) -> bool
def GetBoneScaleType | ( | self | ) |
GetBoneScaleType(INode self) -> int
def GetBoxMode | ( | self | ) |
GetBoxMode(INode self) -> bool
def GetCastShadows | ( | self | ) |
GetCastShadows(INode self) -> bool
def GetChild | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetChild(INode self, int i) -> INode
def GetDerivedObject | ( | self | ) |
GetDerivedObject(INode self) -> IDerivedObject
def GetDisplayByLayer | ( | self | ) |
GetDisplayByLayer(INode self) -> bool
def GetFaceCount | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetFaceCount(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> int GetFaceCount(INode self) -> int
def GetGBufID | ( | self | ) |
GetGBufID(INode self) -> ULONG
def GetGenerateCaustics | ( | self | ) |
GetGenerateCaustics(INode self) -> bool
def GetGenerateGlobalIllum | ( | self | ) |
GetGenerateGlobalIllum(INode self) -> bool
def GetHandle | ( | self | ) |
GetHandle(INode self) -> ULONG
def GetIgnoreExtents | ( | self | ) |
GetIgnoreExtents(INode self) -> bool
def GetImageBlurMultiplier | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetImageBlurMultiplier(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> float GetImageBlurMultiplier(INode self) -> float
def GetInheritVisibility | ( | self | ) |
GetInheritVisibility(INode self) -> bool
def GetINodeByHandle | ( | args | ) |
GetINodeByHandle(ULONG handle) -> INode
def GetINodeByName | ( | args | ) |
GetINodeByName(wchar_t const * name) -> INode
def GetINodeFromRenderID | ( | args | ) |
GetINodeFromRenderID(UWORD id) -> INode
def GetIsRoot | ( | self | ) |
GetIsRoot(INode self) -> bool
def GetLayer | ( | self | ) |
GetLayer(INode self) -> Layer
def GetLayerName | ( | self | ) |
GetLayerName(INode self) -> wchar_t const *
def GetLocalPosition | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetLocalPosition(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Point3 GetLocalPosition(INode self) -> Point3
def GetLocalRotation | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetLocalRotation(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Quat GetLocalRotation(INode self) -> Quat
def GetLocalScale | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetLocalScale(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Point3 GetLocalScale(INode self) -> Point3
def GetLocalTM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetLocalTM(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Matrix3 GetLocalTM(INode self) -> Matrix3
def GetLookatNode | ( | self | ) |
GetLookatNode(INode self) -> INode
def GetMaterial | ( | self | ) |
GetMaterial(INode self) -> Mtl
def GetModifier | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetModifier(INode self, int n) -> Modifier
def GetMotionBlurOnOff | ( | self | ) |
GetMotionBlurOnOff(INode self) -> bool
def GetMotionBlurType | ( | self | ) |
GetMotionBlurType(INode self) -> int
def GetMotionByLayer | ( | self | ) |
GetMotionByLayer(INode self) -> bool
def GetName | ( | self | ) |
GetName(INode self) -> wchar_t const *
def GetNeverDegrade | ( | self | ) |
GetNeverDegrade(INode self) -> bool
def GetNumChildren | ( | self | ) |
GetNumChildren(INode self) -> int
def GetNumModifiers | ( | self | ) |
GetNumModifiers(INode self) -> int
def GetObject | ( | self | ) |
GetObject(INode self) -> Object
def GetObjectRef | ( | self | ) |
GetObjectRef(INode self) -> Object
def GetObjectTM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetObjectTM(INode self, TimeValue time=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Matrix3 GetObjectTM(INode self) -> Matrix3
def GetObjOffsetPosition | ( | self | ) |
GetObjOffsetPosition(INode self) -> Point3
def GetObjOffsetRotation | ( | self | ) |
GetObjOffsetRotation(INode self) -> Quat
def GetObjOffsetScale | ( | self | ) |
GetObjOffsetScale(INode self) -> ScaleValue
def GetObjOrWSMRef | ( | self | ) |
GetObjOrWSMRef(INode self) -> Object
def GetObjTMAfterWSM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetObjTMAfterWSM(INode self, TimeValue time=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Matrix3 GetObjTMAfterWSM(INode self) -> Matrix3
def GetObjTMBeforeWSM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetObjTMBeforeWSM(INode self, TimeValue time=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Matrix3 GetObjTMBeforeWSM(INode self) -> Matrix3
def GetParent | ( | self | ) |
GetParent(INode self) -> INode
def GetParentTM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetParentTM(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Matrix3 GetParentTM(INode self) -> Matrix3
def GetPivotMode | ( | ) |
GetPivotMode() -> int
def GetPositionTaskWeight | ( | self | ) |
GetPositionTaskWeight(INode self) -> float
def GetPositionX | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetPositionX(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> float GetPositionX(INode self) -> float
def GetPositionY | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetPositionY(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> float GetPositionY(INode self) -> float
def GetPositionZ | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetPositionZ(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> float GetPositionZ(INode self) -> float
def GetPrimaryVisibility | ( | self | ) |
GetPrimaryVisibility(INode self) -> bool
def GetReceiveCaustics | ( | self | ) |
GetReceiveCaustics(INode self) -> bool
def GetReceiveGlobalIllum | ( | self | ) |
GetReceiveGlobalIllum(INode self) -> bool
def GetReceiveShadows | ( | self | ) |
GetReceiveShadows(INode self) -> bool
def GetRenderable | ( | self | ) |
GetRenderable(INode self) -> bool
def GetRenderByLayer | ( | self | ) |
GetRenderByLayer(INode self) -> bool
def GetRenderOccluded | ( | self | ) |
GetRenderOccluded(INode self) -> bool
def GetRotationTaskWeight | ( | self | ) |
GetRotationTaskWeight(INode self) -> float
def GetSecondaryVisibility | ( | self | ) |
GetSecondaryVisibility(INode self) -> bool
def GetSeeThrough | ( | self | ) |
GetSeeThrough(INode self) -> bool
def GetSeeThroughObject | ( | self | ) |
GetSeeThroughObject(INode self) -> bool
def GetSelected | ( | self | ) |
GetSelected(INode self) -> bool
def GetShadeVertexColors | ( | self | ) |
GetShadeVertexColors(INode self) -> bool
def GetShowFrozenWithMtl | ( | self | ) |
GetShowFrozenWithMtl(INode self) -> bool
def GetStretchTM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetStretchTM(INode self, TimeValue t) -> Matrix3
def GetTarget | ( | self | ) |
GetTarget(INode self) -> INode
def GetTargetNodePair | ( | self | ) |
GetTargetNodePair(INode self) -> bool
def GetTargetTM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetTargetTM(INode self, TimeValue t, Matrix3 m) -> bool
def GetTaskAxisState | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetTaskAxisState(INode self, int which, int axis) -> bool
def GetTaskAxisStateBits | ( | self | ) |
GetTaskAxisStateBits(INode self) -> DWORD
def GetTMController | ( | self | ) |
GetTMController(INode self) -> Control
def GetTrajectoryON | ( | self | ) |
GetTrajectoryON(INode self) -> bool
def GetTransformLock | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetTransformLock(INode self, int type, int axis) -> bool
def GetUserPropBuffer | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetUserPropBuffer(INode self, WStr buf)
def GetVertexColorMapChannel | ( | self | ) |
GetVertexColorMapChannel(INode self) -> int
def GetVertexColorMode | ( | self | ) |
GetVertexColorMode(INode self) -> bool
def GetVertexColorType | ( | self | ) |
GetVertexColorType(INode self) -> int
def GetVertexCount | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetVertexCount(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> int GetVertexCount(INode self) -> int
def GetVertTicks | ( | self | ) |
GetVertTicks(INode self) -> bool
def GetVisibility | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetVisibility(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> float GetVisibility(INode self) -> float
def GetVisibilityController | ( | self | ) |
GetVisibilityController(INode self) -> Control
def GetWireColor | ( | self | ) |
GetWireColor(INode self) -> Color
def GetWorldPosition | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetWorldPosition(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Point3 GetWorldPosition(INode self) -> Point3
def GetWorldRotation | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetWorldRotation(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Quat GetWorldRotation(INode self) -> Quat
def GetWorldScale | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetWorldScale(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Point3 GetWorldScale(INode self) -> Point3
def GetWorldTM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetWorldTM(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Matrix3 GetWorldTM(INode self) -> Matrix3
def GetXRefFile | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetXRefFile(INode self, int i) -> Asset
def GetXRefFileCount | ( | self | ) |
GetXRefFileCount(INode self) -> int
def GetXRefFlags | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetXRefFlags(INode self, int i) -> DWORD
def GetXRefParent | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetXRefParent(INode self, int i) -> INode
def GetXRefTree | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
GetXRefTree(INode self, int i) -> INode
def GroupNodes | ( | args | ) |
GroupNodes(INodeTab nodes, WStr name, bool selGroup) -> INode GroupNodes(INodeTab nodes, WStr name) -> INode GroupNodes(INodeTab nodes) -> INode
def InsertModifier | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
InsertModifier(INode self, Modifier m, int n) -> Autodesk::Max::ResCode::Type
def IntersectRay | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
IntersectRay(INode self, Ray ray, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) -> Ray IntersectRay(INode self, Ray ray) -> Ray
def InvalidateObjectCache | ( | self | ) |
InvalidateObjectCache(INode self)
def InvalidateRect | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
InvalidateRect(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), bool oldRect=False) InvalidateRect(INode self, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) InvalidateRect(INode self)
def InvalidateTM | ( | self | ) |
InvalidateTM(INode self)
def InvalidateTreeTM | ( | self | ) |
InvalidateTreeTM(INode self)
def InvalidateWS | ( | self | ) |
InvalidateWS(INode self)
def IsActiveGrid | ( | self | ) |
IsActiveGrid(INode self) -> bool
def IsAssemblyHead | ( | self | ) |
IsAssemblyHead(INode self) -> bool
def IsAssemblyHeadMemberOf | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
IsAssemblyHeadMemberOf(INode self, INode asmHeadNode) -> bool
def IsAssemblyHeadOpen | ( | self | ) |
IsAssemblyHeadOpen(INode self) -> bool
def IsAssemblyMember | ( | self | ) |
IsAssemblyMember(INode self) -> bool
def IsAssemblyMemberOpen | ( | self | ) |
IsAssemblyMemberOpen(INode self) -> bool
def IsBoneOnly | ( | self | ) |
IsBoneOnly(INode self) -> bool
def IsBoneShowing | ( | self | ) |
IsBoneShowing(INode self) -> bool
def IsDependent | ( | self | ) |
IsDependent(INode self) -> bool
def IsFrozen | ( | self | ) |
IsFrozen(INode self) -> bool
def IsGroupHead | ( | self | ) |
IsGroupHead(INode self) -> bool
def IsGroupMember | ( | self | ) |
IsGroupMember(INode self) -> bool
def IsHidden | ( | self, | |
hflags = 0 , |
forRenderer = False |
) |
IsHidden(INode self, DWORD hflags=0, bool forRenderer=False) -> bool IsHidden(INode self, DWORD hflags=0) -> bool IsHidden(INode self) -> bool
def IsNodeHidden | ( | self, | |
forRenderer = False |
) |
IsNodeHidden(INode self, bool forRenderer=False) -> bool IsNodeHidden(INode self) -> bool
def IsObjectFrozen | ( | self | ) |
IsObjectFrozen(INode self) -> bool
def IsObjectHidden | ( | self | ) |
IsObjectHidden(INode self) -> bool
def IsOpenGroupHead | ( | self | ) |
IsOpenGroupHead(INode self) -> bool
def IsOpenGroupMember | ( | self | ) |
IsOpenGroupMember(INode self) -> bool
def IsSceneXRef | ( | self | ) |
IsSceneXRef(INode self) -> bool
def IsTarget | ( | self | ) |
IsTarget(INode self) -> bool
def MayResetTransform | ( | self | ) |
MayResetTransform(INode self) -> bool
def Move | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
Move(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True, Autodesk::Max::PivotMode::Type pivMode=NoPivot, bool ignoreLocks=False) Move(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True, Autodesk::Max::PivotMode::Type pivMode=NoPivot) Move(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True) Move(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False) Move(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity()) Move(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) Move(INode self, Point3 val)
def NodeColorPicker | ( | args | ) |
NodeColorPicker(HWND hWnd, DWORD & col) -> bool
def OpenGroup | ( | args | ) |
OpenGroup(INodeTab nodes, bool clearSel=True) OpenGroup(INodeTab nodes) OpenGroup(bool clearSel=True) OpenGroup()
def RealignBoneToChild | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
RealignBoneToChild(INode self, TimeValue t)
def ReloadXRef | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ReloadXRef(INode self, int i) -> bool
def ResetBoneStretch | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ResetBoneStretch(INode self, TimeValue t)
def ResetPivot | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ResetPivot(INode self, TimeValue t)
def ResetTransform | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ResetTransform(INode self, TimeValue t, bool scaleOnly)
def Rotate | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
Rotate(INode self, Quat val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True, Autodesk::Max::PivotMode::Type pivMode=NoPivot, bool ignoreLocks=False) Rotate(INode self, Quat val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True, Autodesk::Max::PivotMode::Type pivMode=NoPivot) Rotate(INode self, Quat val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True) Rotate(INode self, Quat val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False) Rotate(INode self, Quat val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity()) Rotate(INode self, Quat val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) Rotate(INode self, Quat val) Rotate(INode self, AngAxis val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True, Autodesk::Max::PivotMode::Type pivMode=NoPivot, bool ignoreLocks=False) Rotate(INode self, AngAxis val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True, Autodesk::Max::PivotMode::Type pivMode=NoPivot) Rotate(INode self, AngAxis val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True) Rotate(INode self, AngAxis val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False) Rotate(INode self, AngAxis val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity()) Rotate(INode self, AngAxis val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) Rotate(INode self, AngAxis val)
def Scale | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
Scale(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True, Autodesk::Max::PivotMode::Type pivMode=NoPivot, bool ignoreLocks=False) Scale(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True, Autodesk::Max::PivotMode::Type pivMode=NoPivot) Scale(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False, bool affectKids=True) Scale(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity(), bool localOrigin=False) Scale(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now(), Matrix3 tmAxis=Autodesk::Max::Identity()) Scale(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) Scale(INode self, Point3 val)
def Select | ( | self, | |
replaceSelection = False |
) |
Select(INode self, bool replaceSelection=False) Select(INode self)
def SetAffectChildren | ( | args | ) |
SetAffectChildren(bool bAffectChildren)
def SetAllEdges | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetAllEdges(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetApplyAtmospherics | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetApplyAtmospherics(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetAssemblyBBoxDisplay | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetAssemblyBBoxDisplay(INode self, bool b)
def SetAssemblyHead | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetAssemblyHead(INode self, bool b)
def SetAssemblyHeadOpen | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetAssemblyHeadOpen(INode self, bool b)
def SetAssemblyMember | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetAssemblyMember(INode self, bool b)
def SetAssemblyMemberOpen | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetAssemblyMemberOpen(INode self, bool b)
def SetBackCull | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBackCull(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetBaseObject | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBaseObject(INode self, Object obj)
def SetBoneAutoAlign | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBoneAutoAlign(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetBoneAxis | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBoneAxis(INode self, int which)
def SetBoneAxisFlip | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBoneAxisFlip(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetBoneFreezeLen | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBoneFreezeLen(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetBoneNodeOnOff | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBoneNodeOnOff(INode self, bool onOff, TimeValue t)
def SetBoneScaleType | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBoneScaleType(INode self, int which)
def SetBoxMode | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetBoxMode(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetCastShadows | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetCastShadows(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetDisplayByLayer | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetDisplayByLayer(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetFrozen | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetFrozen(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetGBufID | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetGBufID(INode self, ULONG id)
def SetGenerateCaustics | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetGenerateCaustics(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetGenerateGlobalIllum | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetGenerateGlobalIllum(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetGroupHead | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetGroupHead(INode self, bool b)
def SetGroupHeadOpen | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetGroupHeadOpen(INode self, bool b)
def SetGroupMember | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetGroupMember(INode self, bool b)
def SetGroupMemberOpen | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetGroupMemberOpen(INode self, bool b)
def SetHidden | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetHidden(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetIgnoreExtents | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetIgnoreExtents(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetImageBlurMultiplier | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetImageBlurMultiplier(INode self, float m, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetImageBlurMultiplier(INode self, float m)
def SetInheritVisibility | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetInheritVisibility(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetIsTarget | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetIsTarget(INode self, bool b)
def SetLocalPosition | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetLocalPosition(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetLocalPosition(INode self, Point3 val)
def SetLocalRotation | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetLocalRotation(INode self, Quat val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetLocalRotation(INode self, Quat val)
def SetLocalScale | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetLocalScale(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetLocalScale(INode self, Point3 val)
def SetLocalTM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetLocalTM(INode self, Matrix3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetLocalTM(INode self, Matrix3 val)
def SetMaterial | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetMaterial(INode self, Mtl matl)
def SetMotionBlurOnOff | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetMotionBlurOnOff(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetMotionBlurType | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetMotionBlurType(INode self, int kind)
def SetMotionByLayer | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetMotionByLayer(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetName | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetName(INode self, wchar_t const * s)
def SetNeverDegrade | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetNeverDegrade(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetNodeAttribute | ( | args | ) |
SetNodeAttribute(INodeTab nodes, int whatAttrib, int onOff) SetNodeAttribute(INode node, int whatAttrib, int onOff)
def SetNodeTMRelConstPlane | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetNodeTMRelConstPlane(INode self, Matrix3 mat)
def SetObject | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetObject(INode self, Object obj)
def SetObjectRef | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetObjectRef(INode self, Object o)
def SetObjOffsetPosition | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetObjOffsetPosition(INode self, Point3 p)
def SetObjOffsetRotation | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetObjOffsetRotation(INode self, Quat q)
def SetObjOffsetScale | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetObjOffsetScale(INode self, ScaleValue sv)
def SetParent | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetParent(INode self, INode node, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetParent(INode self, INode node)
def SetPivotMode | ( | args | ) |
SetPivotMode(int pivMode)
def SetPositionTaskWeight | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetPositionTaskWeight(INode self, float w)
def SetPositionX | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetPositionX(INode self, float x, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetPositionX(INode self, float x)
def SetPositionY | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetPositionY(INode self, float y, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetPositionY(INode self, float y)
def SetPositionZ | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetPositionZ(INode self, float z, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetPositionZ(INode self, float z)
def SetPrimaryVisibility | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetPrimaryVisibility(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetReceiveCaustics | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetReceiveCaustics(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetReceiveGlobalIllum | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetReceiveGlobalIllum(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetReceiveShadows | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetReceiveShadows(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetRenderable | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetRenderable(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetRenderByLayer | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetRenderByLayer(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetRenderOccluded | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetRenderOccluded(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetRotationTaskWeight | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetRotationTaskWeight(INode self, float w)
def SetSecondaryVisibility | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetSecondaryVisibility(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetSeeThrough | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetSeeThrough(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetShadeVertexColors | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetShadeVertexColors(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetShowFrozenWithMtl | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetShowFrozenWithMtl(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetTargetNodePair | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetTargetNodePair(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetTaskAxisState | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetTaskAxisState(INode self, int which, int axis, bool onOff)
def SetTMController | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetTMController(INode self, Control m3cont) -> bool
def SetTrajectoryON | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetTrajectoryON(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetTransformLock | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetTransformLock(INode self, int type, int axis, bool onOff)
def SetUserPropBuffer | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetUserPropBuffer(INode self, WStr buf)
def SetVertexColorMapChannel | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetVertexColorMapChannel(INode self, int vcmc)
def SetVertexColorMode | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetVertexColorMode(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetVertexColorType | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetVertexColorType(INode self, int nvct)
def SetVertTicks | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetVertTicks(INode self, bool onOff)
def SetVisibility | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetVisibility(INode self, float vis, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetVisibility(INode self, float vis)
def SetVisibilityController | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetVisibilityController(INode self, Control cont)
def SetWireColor | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetWireColor(INode self, Color newcolor)
def SetWorldPosition | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetWorldPosition(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetWorldPosition(INode self, Point3 val)
def SetWorldRotation | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetWorldRotation(INode self, Quat val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetWorldRotation(INode self, Quat val)
def SetWorldScale | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetWorldScale(INode self, Point3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetWorldScale(INode self, Point3 val)
def SetWorldTM | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetWorldTM(INode self, Matrix3 val, TimeValue t=Autodesk::Max::Now()) SetWorldTM(INode self, Matrix3 val)
def SetXRefFile | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetXRefFile(INode self, int i, Asset file, bool reload)
def SetXRefFlags | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetXRefFlags(INode self, int i, DWORD flag, bool onOff)
def SetXRefParent | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
SetXRefParent(INode self, int i, INode par, bool autoOffset=True) SetXRefParent(INode self, int i, INode par)
def ShowBone | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
ShowBone(INode self, bool boneVis)
def UnfreezeObjectAndLayer | ( | self, | |
dolayer = True |
) |
UnfreezeObjectAndLayer(INode self, bool dolayer=True) UnfreezeObjectAndLayer(INode self)
def UngroupNodes | ( | args | ) |
UngroupNodes(INodeTab nodes) UngroupNodes()
def UnhideObjectAndLayer | ( | self, | |
dolayer = True |
) |
UnhideObjectAndLayer(INode self, bool dolayer=True) UnhideObjectAndLayer(INode self)
def UpdateChangedXRefs | ( | self, | |
redraw = True |
) |
UpdateChangedXRefs(INode self, bool redraw=True) -> bool UpdateChangedXRefs(INode self) -> bool
def WorldAlignPivot | ( | self, | |
args | |||
) |
WorldAlignPivot(INode self, TimeValue t, bool moveObject)