PolyShape Class Reference
A multi-polygon shape class used in the caching of Bezier shapes. Used for doing a one time interpolation of a bezier shape into a form that is the same shape but doesn't require any further interpolation.
def | Append (self, args) |
def | BuildBoundingBox (self) |
def | CopyFrom (self, args) |
def | DeepCopy (self, args) |
def | Delete (self, args) |
def | FreeChannels (self, args) |
def | GetBoundingBox (self, args) |
def | GetDeformBBox (self, args) |
def | GetDisplayFlags (self) |
def | GetFlags (self) |
def | GetLine (self, args) |
def | GetMatID (self, args) |
def | GetNumLines (self) |
def | Init (self) |
def | Insert (self, args) |
def | InvalidateCapCache (self) |
def | InvalidateGeomCache (self, args) |
def | NewAndCopyChannels (self, args) |
def | NewLine (self) |
def | NewShape (self) |
def | Reverse (self, args) |
def | SetNumLines (self, args) |
def | ShallowCopy (self, args) |
def | Transform (self, args) |
def | UpdateCachedHierarchy (self) |
def | UpdateSels (self) |
def | VertexTempSel (self, args) |
def | GetUnwrappedPtr (self) |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
def Append |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
Append(PolyShape self, PolyLine l)
def BuildBoundingBox |
( |
self | ) |
BuildBoundingBox(PolyShape self)
def CopyFrom |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
CopyFrom(PolyShape self, PolyShape other)
def DeepCopy |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
DeepCopy(PolyShape self, PolyShape ashape, ChannelMask channels)
def Delete |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
Delete(PolyShape self, int where)
def FreeChannels |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
FreeChannels(PolyShape self, ChannelMask channels, int zeroOthers=1)
FreeChannels(PolyShape self, ChannelMask channels)
def GetBoundingBox |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
GetBoundingBox(PolyShape self, Matrix3 tm) -> Box3
GetBoundingBox(PolyShape self) -> Box3
def GetDeformBBox |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
GetDeformBBox(PolyShape self, TimeValue t, Box3 box, Matrix3 tm, bool useSel)
def GetDisplayFlags |
( |
self | ) |
GetDisplayFlags(PolyShape self) -> DWORD
GetFlags(PolyShape self) -> DWORD
def GetLine |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
GetLine(PolyShape self, int i) -> PolyLine
def GetMatID |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
GetMatID(PolyShape self, int line, int piece) -> MtlID
GetNumLines(PolyShape self) -> int
def Insert |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
Insert(PolyShape self, int where, PolyLine l)
def InvalidateCapCache |
( |
self | ) |
InvalidateCapCache(PolyShape self)
def InvalidateGeomCache |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
InvalidateGeomCache(PolyShape self, bool unused)
def NewAndCopyChannels |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
NewAndCopyChannels(PolyShape self, ChannelMask channels)
NewLine(PolyShape self) -> PolyLine
def Reverse |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
Reverse(PolyShape self, int line, bool keepZero=True)
Reverse(PolyShape self, int line)
Reverse(PolyShape self, BitArray reverse, bool keepZero=True)
Reverse(PolyShape self, BitArray reverse)
def SetNumLines |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
SetNumLines(PolyShape self, int count, bool keep=TRUE) -> bool
SetNumLines(PolyShape self, int count) -> bool
def ShallowCopy |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
ShallowCopy(PolyShape self, PolyShape ashape, ChannelMask channels)
def Transform |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
Transform(PolyShape self, Matrix3 tm)
def UpdateCachedHierarchy |
( |
self | ) |
UpdateCachedHierarchy(PolyShape self)
UpdateSels(PolyShape self)
def VertexTempSel |
( |
self, |
args |
) |
| |
VertexTempSel(PolyShape self, int poly) -> BitArray