Contains render properties common to all renderers. These are found in the UI under the common tab in the render dialog.
tuple | BeginProgressiveMode = staticmethod(BeginProgressiveMode) |
tuple | CancelDialog = staticmethod(CancelDialog) |
tuple | CloseDialog = staticmethod(CloseDialog) |
tuple | ColorById = staticmethod(ColorById) |
tuple | CommitDialogParameters = staticmethod(CommitDialogParameters) |
tuple | CreateDefault = staticmethod(CreateDefault) |
tuple | CreateDefaultScanline = staticmethod(CreateDefaultScanline) |
tuple | DialogOpen = staticmethod(DialogOpen) |
tuple | EndProgressiveMode = staticmethod(EndProgressiveMode) |
tuple | FormatRenderTime = staticmethod(FormatRenderTime) |
tuple | Get = staticmethod(Get) |
tuple | GetActualMEditRenderer = staticmethod(GetActualMEditRenderer) |
tuple | GetApertureWidth = staticmethod(GetApertureWidth) |
tuple | GetAreaType = staticmethod(GetAreaType) |
tuple | GetAtmosphere = staticmethod(GetAtmosphere) |
tuple | GetCamera = staticmethod(GetCamera) |
tuple | GetColorCheck = staticmethod(GetColorCheck) |
tuple | GetCurrent = staticmethod(GetCurrent) |
tuple | GetCurrentRenderElementManager = staticmethod(GetCurrentRenderElementManager) |
tuple | GetCurrentSetting = staticmethod(GetCurrentSetting) |
tuple | GetDefaultRendererClassID = staticmethod(GetDefaultRendererClassID) |
tuple | GetDeviceBitmapInfo = staticmethod(GetDeviceBitmapInfo) |
tuple | GetDisplacement = staticmethod(GetDisplacement) |
tuple | GetDraft = staticmethod(GetDraft) |
tuple | GetEffects = staticmethod(GetEffects) |
tuple | GetEnd = staticmethod(GetEnd) |
tuple | GetFileBitmapInfo = staticmethod(GetFileBitmapInfo) |
tuple | GetFileNumberBase = staticmethod(GetFileNumberBase) |
tuple | GetForce2Side = staticmethod(GetForce2Side) |
tuple | GetFrameList = staticmethod(GetFrameList) |
tuple | GetHeight = staticmethod(GetHeight) |
tuple | GetHidden = staticmethod(GetHidden) |
tuple | GetImageAspectRatio = staticmethod(GetImageAspectRatio) |
tuple | GetImageSequenceType = staticmethod(GetImageSequenceType) |
tuple | GetLastRenderedImage = staticmethod(GetLastRenderedImage) |
tuple | GetLocalPreScript = staticmethod(GetLocalPreScript) |
tuple | GetMEditRenderer = staticmethod(GetMEditRenderer) |
tuple | GetMEditRendererLocked = staticmethod(GetMEditRendererLocked) |
tuple | GetMEditRendererLocked_Default = staticmethod(GetMEditRendererLocked_Default) |
tuple | GetNThFrame = staticmethod(GetNThFrame) |
tuple | GetOutputFile = staticmethod(GetOutputFile) |
tuple | GetPickFramesString = staticmethod(GetPickFramesString) |
tuple | GetPixelAspectRatio = staticmethod(GetPixelAspectRatio) |
tuple | GetPostScriptFile = staticmethod(GetPostScriptFile) |
tuple | GetPreScriptFile = staticmethod(GetPreScriptFile) |
tuple | GetPresetCount = staticmethod(GetPresetCount) |
tuple | GetPresetDisplayName = staticmethod(GetPresetDisplayName) |
tuple | GetPresetFileName = staticmethod(GetPresetFileName) |
tuple | GetProduction = staticmethod(GetProduction) |
tuple | GetRenderElementMgr = staticmethod(GetRenderElementMgr) |
tuple | GetSaveFile = staticmethod(GetSaveFile) |
tuple | GetShowVFB = staticmethod(GetShowVFB) |
tuple | GetSimplifyAreaLights = staticmethod(GetSimplifyAreaLights) |
tuple | GetSkipFrames = staticmethod(GetSkipFrames) |
tuple | GetStart = staticmethod(GetStart) |
tuple | GetSuperBlack = staticmethod(GetSuperBlack) |
tuple | GetTimeType = staticmethod(GetTimeType) |
tuple | GetToFields = staticmethod(GetToFields) |
tuple | GetUseActiveView = staticmethod(GetUseActiveView) |
tuple | GetUseDevice = staticmethod(GetUseDevice) |
tuple | GetUseDraft = staticmethod(GetUseDraft) |
tuple | GetUseImageSequence = staticmethod(GetUseImageSequence) |
tuple | GetUseIterative = staticmethod(GetUseIterative) |
tuple | GetUseNet = staticmethod(GetUseNet) |
tuple | GetUsePostScript = staticmethod(GetUsePostScript) |
tuple | GetUsePreScript = staticmethod(GetUsePreScript) |
tuple | GetViewID = staticmethod(GetViewID) |
tuple | GetViewParamsFromNode = staticmethod(GetViewParamsFromNode) |
tuple | GetWidth = staticmethod(GetWidth) |
tuple | InProgressiveMode = staticmethod(InProgressiveMode) |
tuple | IsActive = staticmethod(IsActive) |
tuple | OpenDialog = staticmethod(OpenDialog) |
tuple | Set = staticmethod(Set) |
tuple | SetApertureWidth = staticmethod(SetApertureWidth) |
tuple | SetAreaType = staticmethod(SetAreaType) |
tuple | SetAtmosphere = staticmethod(SetAtmosphere) |
tuple | SetCamera = staticmethod(SetCamera) |
tuple | SetColorCheck = staticmethod(SetColorCheck) |
tuple | SetCurrent = staticmethod(SetCurrent) |
tuple | SetCurrentSetting = staticmethod(SetCurrentSetting) |
tuple | SetDefaultRendererClassID = staticmethod(SetDefaultRendererClassID) |
tuple | SetDisplacement = staticmethod(SetDisplacement) |
tuple | SetDraft = staticmethod(SetDraft) |
tuple | SetEffects = staticmethod(SetEffects) |
tuple | SetEnd = staticmethod(SetEnd) |
tuple | SetFileNumberBase = staticmethod(SetFileNumberBase) |
tuple | SetForce2Side = staticmethod(SetForce2Side) |
tuple | SetHeight = staticmethod(SetHeight) |
tuple | SetHidden = staticmethod(SetHidden) |
tuple | SetImageSequenceType = staticmethod(SetImageSequenceType) |
tuple | SetLocalPreScript = staticmethod(SetLocalPreScript) |
tuple | SetMEditRenderer = staticmethod(SetMEditRenderer) |
tuple | SetMEditRendererLocked = staticmethod(SetMEditRendererLocked) |
tuple | SetMEditRendererLocked_Default = staticmethod(SetMEditRendererLocked_Default) |
tuple | SetNThFrame = staticmethod(SetNThFrame) |
tuple | SetOutputFile = staticmethod(SetOutputFile) |
tuple | SetPixelAspectRatio = staticmethod(SetPixelAspectRatio) |
tuple | SetPostScriptFile = staticmethod(SetPostScriptFile) |
tuple | SetPreScriptFile = staticmethod(SetPreScriptFile) |
tuple | SetProduction = staticmethod(SetProduction) |
tuple | SetSaveFile = staticmethod(SetSaveFile) |
tuple | SetShowVFB = staticmethod(SetShowVFB) |
tuple | SetSimplifyAreaLights = staticmethod(SetSimplifyAreaLights) |
tuple | SetSkipFrames = staticmethod(SetSkipFrames) |
tuple | SetStart = staticmethod(SetStart) |
tuple | SetSuperBlack = staticmethod(SetSuperBlack) |
tuple | SetTimeType = staticmethod(SetTimeType) |
tuple | SetToFields = staticmethod(SetToFields) |
tuple | SetupParameters = staticmethod(SetupParameters) |
tuple | SetUseActiveView = staticmethod(SetUseActiveView) |
tuple | SetUseDevice = staticmethod(SetUseDevice) |
tuple | SetUseDraft = staticmethod(SetUseDraft) |
tuple | SetUseImageSequence = staticmethod(SetUseImageSequence) |
tuple | SetUseIterative = staticmethod(SetUseIterative) |
tuple | SetUseNet = staticmethod(SetUseNet) |
tuple | SetUsePostScript = staticmethod(SetUsePostScript) |
tuple | SetUsePreScript = staticmethod(SetUsePreScript) |
tuple | SetViewID = staticmethod(SetViewID) |
tuple | SetWidth = staticmethod(SetWidth) |
tuple | ShouldContinueOnError = staticmethod(ShouldContinueOnError) |
tuple | thisown = _swig_property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc='The membership flag') |
tuple | UpdateDialogParameters = staticmethod(UpdateDialogParameters) |