Proximity Pin options


The Connections area contains what transforms will be connected to the input and the output of the node.
Note: Connection options cannot both be set to Existing Transform or a cycle would be created. You can have multiple inputs or outputs on a node.
Sets the input matrix connection on the Proximity Pin node in the Node Editor.
New Locator Duplicates the selected transforms as locators called pinInput andconnects them to the proximityPin node's input. (This is the default.)
Existing Transform Uses the selected transforms and connects them to the proximityPin node's input.
New Transform Duplicates the selected transforms as transforms called pinInput and connects them to the proximityPin node's input.
Matrix Adds input plugs to the node without connecting locators or transforms.
Note: You can also add new input Matrices in the Attribute Editor.
Sets the Output matrix connection.
Existing Transform Uses the selected transforms and connects them to the proximityPin node's output. (This is the default.)
New Locator Creates a new locators at the closest points on the surface and connects them to the node's output.
New Transform Creates new transforms at the closest points on the surface and connects them to the node's output.
Matrix Creates, but does not connect, any input plugs on the node, leaving the connection available.

Coordinate System

The Coordinate System area lets you set how the pin coordinates are derived from the geometry surface. Because Proximity Pin is procedural, you can continue to edit these settings in the Attribute Editor after creation.

Specifies how the coordinate system is derived from the surface.
UV Set
Specifies a UV set to be used for the coordinate system when the mode is set to UV.
Normal axis

Specifies what axis of the coordinate system of the outputs to align with the surface normal. Cannot be the same as Tangent axis.

Tangent axis
Specifies what axis of the coordinate system of the outputs to align with the surface tangent. Cannot be the same as Normal axis.
Maintain Offset
Preserves the initial offset between the input matrix and the original geometry. After creation, the Attribute Editor lets you control the translation and orientation of the offset independently and supports fractional amounts. If you activate Maintain Offset in the Proximity Pin window, they are both initially set to 1. If you disable Maintain Offset, the translation and orientation offsets are both initially set to 0.