
Maya 2020.4 Update Release Notes

Access the Maya or Maya LT 2020.4 Update from your Autodesk Account.

Note: On Windows, the Maya installer now consists of two files. Ensure that you have disabled pop-up blockers in your browser, and that you have downloaded both files before you start installing.

This page lists what's fixed in this update and any known issues for Maya, Maya LT, or both. For information on new features, see What's New in Maya 2020.4 Update or What's New in Maya LT 2020.4 Update.

Important note regarding ATF plug-in
Following the release of the Maya 2020.3 Update, customers reported TBB library errors occuring on the first attempt to import certain files. The workaround for this issue is to re-import the files. Although this workaround exists, Maya 2020.4 reverts to an earlier version (8.5) of the ATF plug-in, which does not include Catia R6(2020) support.

What's Fixed

MFnNurbsCurve.findParamFromLength() first result differs from second MAYA-107215
Camera Sequencer: UI can become corrupted after inserting multiple tracks MAYA-107090
Maya hangs after animating rig with GPU override ON with GTX GPU MAYA-107641
Nucleus does not evaluate in Maya 2020 DG mode when time is updated MAYA-106994
Manipulation is slow on deformer with a single key MAYA-107220
Graph Editor : Key not refreshed in Parallel Evaluation MAYA-107436
Parallel Evaluation : Animated override visibility is not handled properly MAYA-107183
Image plane movies flip upside down when using Camera Sequencer MAYA-106589
Parallel Evaluation : Mesh does not update with outbound deferred reference node connection MAYA-107622
API: M Array classes crash when too large MAYA-107663
"Save as" path points to the last texture file path location instead of file project folder. MAYA-106784
Current "Save As" path not set if scene is opened from Recent Files MAYA-106759
Mesh Display and Mesh menu action applied to groups work only on topmost item MAYA-107031
Paint Skin Weights tool selects all the vertices when opened through marking menu MAYA-107391
Paint Skin Weights tool conversion from face/edge to vertices only works when opening the tool for the first time MAYA-107395
Evaluation problem with uvPin MAYA-106728
Cached Playback ignores changes to ikBlend value if caching starts with "0" MAYA-107500
2020/rel : Graph Editor: Deleting a key causes all anim curves to be shown MAYA-106543
Lattice deformer won't evaluate on the GPU when using subset MAYA-107662
Maya freezes when keying blend shape node MAYA-107020
Misspelling and capitalization issue on "controller" node attribute MAYA-107022
Mac only: Crash when closing a window while ToolClip is still displayed MAYA-106745
Use File Sequence doesn't work in Maya 2020.3 MAYA-107908

Known Limitations

When Maya 2020.4 is deployed across a macOS or Linux network, the deployment may fail if the 2021 version of any Autodesk product was previously installed. A workaround for this issue on Linux is documented in the topic Special instructions for macOS and Linux network deployment. MAYA-105957

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