Change the Print Order of Drawings for a Batch Print for Autodesk Revit Job

You can specify the order that you want the drawings to print for a batch print job.

The Reorder tab of the Batch Print dialog lists all drawings selected for printing, in the order in which you selected them on the Select tab. The drawings will print in the order in which they are listed on the Reorder tab. If you want the drawings to print in a different order, use the following methods.

If you want to... Then...
Move a drawing up in the list, so it prints before other drawings Select the drawing, and click (Move Selection Up) until the drawing is in the desired position in the list.
Move a drawing down in the list, so it prints after other drawings Select the drawing, and click (Move Selection Down) until the drawing is in the desired position in the list.
Select several drawings to move them up or down in the list to change their print order While pressing SHIFT (for adjacent drawings in the list) or CTRL (for non-adjacent drawings), select the drawings. Then click the buttons to move them up or down.
Sort the list of drawings to print them in alphabetical order Click (Sort All Items Alphabetically).
Remove a drawing from the print list Click (Delete Selection).

This has the same effect as clearing a drawing’s check box on the Select tab.

Add more drawings to the print list Use the Select tab. See Select Drawings to Print.