When sharing checks from Model Review, the 2 file types you work with are .bcf and .config.
To share these within your organization, you can centralize the .bcf files in a network-accessible location. Using the Profile Editor, adjust the location, name, and order of the list, and then choose Ok to save. The profile information is stored locally in the "Model Review.config" file. To get multiple users to have the same file, you will need to copy this locally for each user in the installation folder (default location: c:\Program Files\Autodesk\Model Review). Using a start-up .bat file is the most common method for doing this.
To use a combination of local and network .bcf files, the process is similar to above. If a check file needs to be local for everyone, you will need to copy each to the users, in addition to the .config file as shown above.
To share these outside your organization, you can send or transfer the individual .bcf file. The receiving party will need to place this in a known location, and using the Profile Editor add the .bcf file to the list.
See also: File Types