Export CAM Files from Precast Assemblies

Create CAM files to transfer machine data to precast fabricators.

  1. Click Precast tab Configuration panel (Configuration).
  2. In the Configuration dialog, navigate to CAM Export.
  3. Each of the CAM Export nodes allows you to enter additional information specific to each CAM file type. Enter any information that your projects require.
  4. Define the Output Filename Rule for the exported file. Further customize the name by using the following variables and user defined character strings. Use the File Name Preview field to see how the file will be named in its current syntax.
    Variable Exported File Version Availability Syntax
    Unitechnik 5.2 Unitechnik 6.0 Unitechnik 7.0 PXML
    FileName Yes Yes Yes Yes


    Length : The maximum number of characters used from the file name. The default is 0 (unlimited).

    MinLength : The minimum number of characters used from the file name. The default is 0.

    Padding : Character used as padding between the file name other variables. The default is an underscore ( _ ).

    Alignment : Either l or r. The side of the text that anchors any character trimming. The default is l (left).

    Examples for a Revit file named WallPart exported to PXML.
    • "FileName" = WallPart.pxml
    • "FileName:6:::" = WallPa.pxml
    • "FileName:6:::r" = llPart.pxml
    • "FileName::10::" = WallPart__.pxml
    • "FileName::10:--:" = WallPart--.pxml
    Date Yes Yes Yes Yes "Date"
    Time Yes Yes Yes Yes "Time"
    ProdNo Yes Yes Yes Yes "ProdNo"
    OrderNumber * Yes Yes Yes Yes "OrderNumber"
    Component * Yes Yes Yes Yes "Component"
    Storey * Yes Yes Yes Yes "Storey"
    DrawingNumber * Yes Yes Yes Yes "DrawingNumber"
    ProjectDescriptionLine1 - ProjectDescriptionLine4 * Yes Yes Yes No


    # : The single digit number of the specific Product Description variable (1 - 4)

    BuildingSiteName * Yes Yes Yes No "BuildingSiteName"
    BuildingSiteStreet * Yes Yes Yes No "BuildingSiteStreet"
    BuildingSitePostCode * Yes Yes Yes No "BuildingSitePostCode"
    BuildingSitePlace * Yes Yes Yes No "BuildingSitePlace"
    BuildingOwnerName * Yes Yes Yes No "BuildingOwnerName"
    BuildingOwnerStreet * Yes Yes Yes No "BuildingOwnerStreet"
    BuildingOwnerPostCode * Yes Yes Yes No "BuildingOwnerPostCode"
    BuildingOwnerPlace * Yes Yes Yes No "BuildingOwnerPlace"
    DrawingDate * Yes Yes Yes Yes "DrawingDate"
    DrawingRevision No Yes Yes Yes "DrawingRevision"
    DrawingAuthor * No Yes Yes Yes "DrawingAuthor"
    GenericOrderInfo01 - GenericOrderInfo20 * No No No Yes


    ## : The two digit number of the specific Generic Order Info variable (01 - 20)

    AssemblyName Yes Yes Yes Yes "AssemblyName"
    * This variable is defined by data in the CAM Export nodes of the Configuration dialog.
  5. Click OK to close the Configuration dialog.
  6. Select all assemblies to be exported.
  7. Click Precast tab Fabrication panel (CAM Export).
  8. In the BIM - CAM file generation and settings dialog, specify:
    • Export type. Specify the CAM File types for the CAM files to be exported.
    • Output path. Specify the destination directory of the generated CAM files.
    • Multiple precast elements in one file. (PXML only) Allows more than one precast assembly type to an individual CNC file.
    • Create one subfolder for each element type. Creates directories for each assembly type to improve file organization..
    • Overwrite files without prompting. Overwrites existing files in the destination directory by default.
    • Export reinforcement information only. Only exports the reinforcement from the selected assemblies.
  9. Click Generate to produce the CAM files.
Note: You can also export manually created assemblies (rebar, rebar cages, beams, columns, foundations, walls and slabs) - not created using Structural Precast for Revit. However, the manually created assemblies will not benefit from the CAM Export settings in the Configuration dialog.