The Basic Info tab controls naming and usage for each individual check in
Model Review.
- Name: Controls what the individual check is called and is displayed in the Check Results.
- Category: Useful for sorting checks by type. Any previously entered items in this check file will be shown from the drop down for easier selection when creating additional checks within this check file.
- Status:
- Enabled: This option, if unchecked, will temporarily suspend this particular check from being used when the check is run.
- Report Only: Most checks have either a fail or pass set of conditions, in situations where just the result is desired (ex. size of the model).
- Allow Correction: In situations where the type of correction is fairly straight forward, having this checked will provide the users a "wrench" icon in the fix column in the Check Results Browser. Picking this wrench will then attempt to correct the model. Note: Review this option when creating checks to ensure desired results are provided. If unsure, leave unchecked and view the results for manual correction.
- Mode:
- Interactive: Run a check and interact with the results and Revit. You can zoom in, select objects, change views and modify objects while the results browser is open and active (ex. change objects based on the results of the check for manual correction and/or review).
- Batch: Optional Installation. Allows you to run a check without having Revit open.
- Notes:
- User-provided reference material for each check. This information is optional. Some suggestions to consider are creation/modification date(s), reason for creation, whom the check was created by, etc.