Fill Patterns
Use the Fill Patterns tool to create or modify drafting and model patterns.
Apply materials to elements in a building model.
Object Styles
The Object Styles tool specifies line weights, line colors, line patterns, and materials for different categories and subcategories of model elements, annotation elements, and imported objects in a project.
Line Styles
Line styles are used to indicate different effects, such as a dashed (------) line for reference planes.
Line Weights
Use the Line Weights dialog to define the width of the pen used to draw lines in views.
Line Patterns
You can specify the pattern for the line styles used in Revit.
Define Halftone/Underlay Settings Revit lets you control the line weight and pattern used for underlays, and the brightness of halftone elements.
About Structural Settings
Change the appearance and behavior of the structural elements in a project.
Assembly Code Settings
Use the Assembly Code Settings dialog to specify the assembly code file to use for assigning a Uniformat code to the Assembly Code type property of model elements.