Zone Element

Supported Attributes:

Attribute Description
Id This identification attribute is composed of the prefix “zone“, the Zone Name parameter separated by “-“. For example, zone-A. The id attribute must be unique within the file, so if needed a number is added to the end to avoid duplicate values. The attribute is formatted as a XML string (XSD:IDREF). Unwanted characters are filtered out or replaces with a “_”. The following special characters are filtered out: Period("."); Apostrophe("'"); Backslash("\"); Semicolon(";"); DollarSign("$");

Supported Children:

Element Description
Name This value is the Zone:Name parameter.
AirChangesPerHour This value is collected from the Zone: AirChange per Hour parameter. This value is only exported if the parameter Zone: Air Change per Hour is checked.
OAFlowPerArea This value is collected from the Zone: OutdoorAir per Area parameter. This value will be specified in the unit CFMPerSquareFoot or LPerSecPerSquareM. This element will have an attribute specifying what unit the value is expressed in. This unit attribute can be CFMPerSquareFoot or LPerSecPerSquareM. This value is only exported if the parameter Zone: Outdoor Air per Area is checked.
OAFlowPerPerson This value is collected from the Zone: OutdoorAir per Person parameter. This value will be specified in the unit CFM or liter per second (L/s). This element will have an attribute specifying what unit the value is expressed in. This unit attribute can be CFM or LPerSec. This value is only exported if the parameter Zone: Outdoor Air per Person is checked.
DesignHeatT This value is collected from the Zone: HeatingAir Temperature parameter. This value will be specified in degree Fahrenheit (°F) or degree Celsius (°C). This element will have an attribute specifying what unit the value is expressed in. This unit attribute can be F or C. This value is not exported if the parameter value is zero.
CoolingHeatT This value is collected from the Zone: CoolingAir Temperature parameter. This value will be specified in degree Fahrenheit (°F) or degree Celsius (°C). This element will have an attribute specifying what unit the value is expressed in. This unit attribute can be F or C. This value is not exported if the parameter value is zero.
CADObjectId ElementId for the associative HVAC Zone element.
TypeCode For internal use only.


<Zone id="zone-A">



<OAFlowPerArea unit="CFMPerSquareFoot">2.000000</OAFlowPerArea>

<OAFlowPerPerson unit="CFM">1.000000</OAFlowPerPerson>

<DesignHeatT unit="F">68.000000</DesignHeatT>

<DesignCoolT unit="F">72.000000</DesignCoolT>

