Export to gbXML Using Energy Settings

After using Revit to create an energy analytical model, you can export the model to gbXML and use other software to perform further analysis.

  1. Open a 3D view of the model.
  2. Create an energy analytical model.
  3. Click File tab Export(gbXML).
  4. In the Export gbXML dialog, select Use Energy Settings.
  5. (Optional) To adjust energy settings and update the energy analytical model before exporting it, do the following:
    1. Click Edit.
    2. Change settings in the Energy Settings dialog as desired.
    3. To update the energy analytical model to reflect the changed settings, delete and recreate it.
  6. In the Export gbXML dialog, click OK.
  7. In the Export gbXML - Save to Target Folder dialog, navigate to the desired location for the exported file, specify a file name, and click Save.

Revit exports the energy analytical model to a gbXML file in the specified location.