Opening Element

Supported attributes

MEP Systems
Attribute Description
id This attribute is a hyphen-separated string, consisting of a prefix, op and a sequential number. For example, op-1.
Name Surface and Opening elements get an Name element assigned according to the below described schema:

(Orientation)-(Space#)[-(Other space#)]-(Exposure)-(Type)-(sequence number) [Opening Type+#]



N = Orientation [N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW/N/T/B/X]

(every surface within the sector of 22.5 degrees from the north vector gets the letter N etc) (horizontal surfaces facing upwards get the letter T for top, downwards B for bottom) (shading surfaces get the letter X for differentiation)

101 = Space number

102 = Other space number

E = Exposure - exterior/interior/underground [E/I/U]

W = Type [W/C/R/F] (Wall, Roof, Ceiling, Floor, Shade) (every surface type has it's letter W-Wall R-Roof C-Ceiling F-Floor S-Shade)

O = Opening Type [W/D/O] (Window, Door, Opening) (every opening type has it's letter W-Window D-Door O-Opening)

77 = sequence number

Sample surface names:

N-101-E-W-84 North facing Exterior Wall #84 in space 101

N-101-E-W-84-D-1 Door #1 in North facing Exterior Wall #84 in space 101

E-101-102-I-W-92 Vertical Interior Wall #92 between space 101 and 102

T-101-E-R-141 Top facing Exterior Roof #141 in space 101

B-101-201-I-F-88 Bottom facing Interior Floor #88 between space 101 and 201

X-73 Shade #73

openingType The value for this attribute is based on the family category for the opening and the element in which it is contained:

For a Window, the type is OperableWindow.

For a Door, the type is NonSlidingDoor.

For an opening contained in a Roof, the type is OperableSkylight.

For a Curtain Wall Panel, the type will default to type FixedWindow. A Curtain Wall panel having a material and the material is not transparent (less than 3% transparency), the type is solid panel. Otherwise it is treated as a FixedWindow. For a Curtain Wall Panel having no material, the type is FixedWindow.

For an opening of the category Openings, the type is Air.

constructionIdRef This specifies a unique id for the Construction element that is associated with this opening.
Attribute Description
id This attribute is a hyphen-separated string, consisting of a prefix, op and a sequential number. For example, op-1.
Name Surface and Opening elements get an Name element assigned according to the below described schema:

(Orientation)-(Space#)[-(Other space#)]-(Exposure)-(Type)-(sequence number) [Opening Type+#]



N = Orientation [N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW/N/T/B/X]

(every surface within the sector of 22.5 degrees from the north vector gets the letter N etc) (horizontal surfaces facing upwards get the letter T for top, downwards B for bottom) (shading surfaces get the letter X for differentiation)

101 = Space number

102 = Other space number

E = Exposure - exterior/interior/underground [E/I/U]

W = Type [W/C/R/F] (Wall, Roof, Ceiling, Floor, Shade) (every surface type has it's letter W-Wall R-Roof C-Ceiling F-Floor S-Shade)

O = Opening Type [W/D/O] (Window, Door, Opening) (every opening type has it's letter W-Window D-Door O-Opening)

77 = sequence number

Sample surface names:

N-101-E-W-84 North facing Exterior Wall #84 in space 101

N-101-E-W-84-D-1 Door #1 in North facing Exterior Wall #84 in space 101

E-101-102-I-W-92 Vertical Interior Wall #92 between space 101 and 102

T-101-E-R-141 Top facing Exterior Roof #141 in space 101

B-101-201-I-F-88 Bottom facing Interior Floor #88 between space 101 and 201

X-73 Shade #73

openingType The value for this attribute is based on the family category for the opening and the element in which it is contained:

For a Window, the type is OperableWindow.

For a Door, the type is NonSlidingDoor.

For an opening contained in a Roof, the type is OperableSkylight.

For a Curtain Wall Panel, the type will default to type FixedWindow. A Curtain Wall panel having a material and the material is not transparent (less than 3% transparency), the type is solid panel. Otherwise it is treated as a FixedWindow. For a Curtain Wall Panel having no material, the type is FixedWindow.

For an opening of the category Openings, the type is Air.

Supported children

Element Description
RectangularGeometry As described in gbXML.The azimuth and tilt are always 0. The optional Polyloop is not specified.
PlanarGeometry As described in gbXML
CADObjectId This is the element Id for the associated element.

Example: MEP Systems

<Opening id="su-1-op-1" openingType="NonSlidingDoor" constructionIdRef="con-sample-3">


+ <RectangularGeometry>

+ <PlanarGeometry>



Example: Architecture

<Opening id="su-1-op-1" openingType="NonSlidingDoor">


+ <RectangularGeometry>

+ <PlanarGeometry>

