Door Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change a door's level, sill height, frame type, material, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description

Indicates the level on which this instance is placed.

Sill Height

Specifies the height of the sill in relation to the level on which this instance is placed.

Changing this value does not change the instance size.
Frame Type

Specifies the type of frame around the door.

You can enter a value or select a previously entered value from the drop-down list.
Materials and Finishes
Frame Material

Specifies the material used for the frame.

You can enter a value or select a previously entered value from the drop-down list.

Specifies the finish applied to the frame and door.

You can enter a value or select a previously entered value from the drop-down list.
Identity Data

Displays a comment that you enter or select from the drop-down list.

Once entered, a comment can be selected for other instances of elements in the same category, regardless of type or family.

Identifies or enumerates a particular instance as specified by the user.

For doors, this property enumerates instances within a category by increasing the value by 1 for each instance placed. For example, the first door you place in a project will have a Mark value of 1 by default. The next door you place, regardless of type, will have a Mark value of 2. If you change this value to one that is already used by another door, Revit warns you, but allows you to continue using it. The Mark property of the next door you place will then be assigned the next highest unused number.
Phase Created

Specifies the phase when this instance was created.

Phase Demolished

Specifies the phase when this instance was demolished.

Head Height

Specifies the height of the top of the instance in relation to the level on which the instance is placed.

Changing this value does not change the instance size.