Review these concepts and notions before starting to work with steel connections for Dynamo.
Script Flow
A typical steel connections for Dynamo script starts from a selection of model elements, moves on to grouping those elements into potential connection nodes, filters those nodes based on some criteria, and then places the connections.
Note: In order to use connection types, you must load them in the model. In Dynamo Player, after loading or adding connection types in the model, click the refresh button in order to see the update.
Structure Data
The structure data contains only the data necessary for the grouping and filtering mechanisms. Typically, this data contain:
- Some internal identification of the framing element - used at a later point to identify the elements that need to be connected.
- The start and end points of the framing element - used to compute slope angle, slant angle, angle between axes. The start and end points of the framing element are also used for the grouping mechanism.
- The section data of the framing element (profile, type, shape) which is also used for filtering.
Framing Element Axis
Each Revit structural family has its axes defined. These axes are family-specific, the common thing being that the X axis is always along the length of the framing element.
Note: A simple way to correctly identify the framing element's axis is to use the StructureData.GetCoordinateSystem node, that gives a CoordinateSystem object in Dynamo. Then, you can display the axis of interest (the Z axis, for example) by creating a line (Line.ByStartPointEndPoint) from the axis origin (CoordinateSystem.Origin) to the Z axis vector end (CoordinateSystem.ZAxis, Point.Add to the Origin):
The order of the framing elements is an important factor in placing connections. When the script is created, each framing element that comes into a node is:
- described using the available filters
- labeled using a zero-based index - the connection is placed based on the indexes
Note: There is no right way to choose the index. It is important that the order of the elements that are taken as input for the connection creation Dynamo node is correct – always choose the same index for the same input element, for all conditions where you use that specific element (e.g. index 0 for Column).
For instance, if you create a script for placing a Knee of frame, bolted, with haunch connection, you would need to follow these steps:
- Open or create a model containing some sample framing elements (column and beam), but no connections.
- Click Steel tab Connection panel
(Connection Settings).
- On the Connections tab, specify the structural connections to load - in this case, the Knee of frame, bolted, with haunch connection.
- Click Steel tab Connection panel
- In the element Properties, select the connection and hover over its type name to reveal the tooltip that shows the number of elements, the selection order and the accepted profiles.
- Create a script that groups into connection nodes of two framing elements, and filters the first element (index 0) to be vertical and of I section, and the second element (index 1) to have the desired slope and to create the connection having as the first input element, the column (index 0) and the second input element, the beam (index 1).
Note: For pre-defined steel connections scripts, a node is defined as a group of intersecting framing elements.
A single framing element (beam or column) has two ends, and a body between the two ends. Both the body and the ends are called zones. Zones are identified by the grouping mechanism.
- Beam ends
- Beam body
Grouping mechanism
For a given model, a grouping algorithm is used to identify locations where connection nodes could be placed.
- Column B1
- Beam B2
- Beam B3
- Column B4
A - Node A: Column B1 - End
B - Node B: Column B1 - End; Beam B2 - End
C - Node C: Beam B2 - End; Beam B3 - End
D - Node D: Beam B3 - End; Column B4 - End
E - Node E: Column B4 - End