Revit provides the following tools for creating supply, return, and exhaust duct systems in a project.
Topics in this section
About Break-into Components
Some fixtures, accessories, and mechanical equipment can be inserted in line with existing duct segments, automatically making connections where they are placed.
Use the Duct tools to draw ductwork in a project to connect air terminals and mechanical equipment. Ducts can be drawn horizontally and vertically.
Flexible Ducts
The Flex Duct tool is only available in plan and 3D views.
Place Air Terminals
This tool lets you place air terminals in a project. When devices such as air terminals are placed in a view, information associated with them is used in calculating loads for the spaces (rooms) in a duct system. The rooms keep a running total of the amount of supply, return, and exhaust air supplied or removed from a room, which allows you to select the correct air terminal sizes.
Add a Cap
You can add an end cap to the open end of duct and pipe content.
Place Mechanical Equipment
This tool lets you place mechanical equipment for a duct system in a project. Mechanical equipment, such as a VAV (variable air volume) box, supplies air to the air terminals in a project.
Place Mechanical Control Device
This tool lets you place mechanical control devices for a duct system in a model, such as thermostats, CO2 sensors, and humidistats.
Duct Fittings
You can place duct fittings (elbows, tees, end caps, and so on) in duct systems.
Place Duct Accessories
This tool lets you add duct accessories, such as dampers, in duct systems. You can add duct accessories to plan, section, elevation and 3D views.
Mechanical Settings for Duct
Use the Mechanical Settings dialog to configure component sizes, and the behavior and appearance of the mechanical systems.
Apply Duct Color Fill
You can apply color fills to provide a key to the different attributes associated with the ducts in a project.
About Check Duct Systems
This tool examines the mechanical systems that you create in a project to verify that each system is assigned to a user-defined system, and properly connected.
About the System Browser
The System Browser is an effective tool for finding components that are not assigned to a system.
About Systems Settings
The appearance and behavior of the systems components in a project are determined by the settings for each discipline.