Learn about the coordinate systems that
Revit uses; specify the model's geographic location, survey point, and project base point; change Project North and True North; or move the entire model when needed.
Manage tabProject Location panel
Coordinates drop-down
(Specify Coordinates at Point)
Position drop-down
(Relocate Project)
(Rotate True North)
(Rotate Project North)
(Mirror Project)
Topics in this section
About Positioning Revit provides several ways to define context for the model.
Workflow: Positioning
When starting a new project, perform the following tasks to establish context for the model.
Location Weather and Site Dialog: Location Tab
Use the Location tab of the Location Weather and Site dialog to specify the geographic location of the model and the weather station to use for analyses.
Location Weather and Site Dialog: Site Tab
Use the Site tab of the Location Weather and Site dialog to create named positions (sites) to manage the orientation and position of the model on the site and in relation to other buildings.