GetTransmittalGraphInterface Method (ActiveX/ATO)

Returns the files graph of the transmittal set.

Supported platforms: Windows only


Assembly: acETransmit20.tlb



RetVal = object.getTransmittalGraphInterface()


RetVal = object.getTransmittalGraphInterface();

Type: TransmittalOperation object

The object this method applies to.

Return Value (RetVal)

Type: TransmittalFilesGraph object

The files graph of the transmittal set.


No additional remarks.

Release Information

Releases: AutoCAD 2005 and later




' Custom command to work with the transmittal file graph
<CommandMethod("FilesGraph")> _
Public Shared Sub FilesGraph()

    ' Create a transmittal operation
    Dim tro As TransmittalOperation = New TransmittalOperation()

    ' Setup the transmittal behavior
    Dim ti As TransmittalInfo = TransInfo(tro.getTransmittalInfoInterface(), _

    ' Get the root file of the transmittal file graph
    Dim tfRoot As TransmittalFile = tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().getRoot()

    ' Add a drawing file to a transmittal set
    Dim tfFirst As TransmittalFile = Nothing
    tro.addDrawingFile("C:\AutoCAD\Sample\Sheet Sets\Architectural\A-01.dwg", tfFirst)

    ' Add a second drawing file to a transmittal set
    Dim tfSecond As TransmittalFile = Nothing
    tro.addDrawingFile("C:\AutoCAD\Sample\Sheet Sets\Architectural\A-02.dwg", tfSecond)

    ' Display the name and path of the first file of the transmittal file graph
    MsgBox("File name and path: " & tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().getAt(0).sourcePath)

    ' Display the number of files in the transmittal file graph
    MsgBox("Number of Files in Graph: " & tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().getNumberOfFiles(vbTrue, vbTrue).ToString())

    ' Display the number of dependees
    MsgBox("Number of Dependees: " & tfFirst.numberOfDependees.ToString())

    ' Create a reference from the first file to the newly added file
    tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().addEdge(tfSecond, tfFirst)

    ' Display the number of dependees
    MsgBox("Number of Dependees: " & tfFirst.numberOfDependees.ToString())

    ' Remove a reference from the first file
    tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().removeEdge(tfSecond, tfFirst)
    ' Display the number of dependees
    MsgBox("Number of Dependees: " & tfFirst.numberOfDependees.ToString())

    ' Resets the transmittal graph

    ' Display the number of files in the transmittal file graph
    MsgBox("Number of Files in Graph: " & tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().getNumberOfFiles(vbTrue, vbTrue).ToString())

    ' Release the tramnsmittal operation
    tro = Nothing
End Sub


// Custom command to work with the transmittal file graph
public static void FilesGraph()
    // Create a transmittal operation
    TransmittalOperation tro = new TransmittalOperation();

    // Setup the transmittal behavior
    TransmittalInfo ti = TransInfo(tro.getTransmittalInfoInterface(),

    // Get the root file of the transmittal file graph
    TransmittalFile tfRoot = tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().getRoot();

    // Add a drawing file to a transmittal set
    TransmittalFile tfFirst = null;
    tro.addDrawingFile(@"C:\AutoCAD\Sample\Sheet Sets\Architectural\A-01.dwg", out tfFirst);

    // Add a second drawing file to a transmittal set
    TransmittalFile tfSecond = null;
    tro.addDrawingFile(@"C:\AutoCAD\Sample\Sheet Sets\Architectural\A-02.dwg", out tfSecond);

    // Display the name and path of the first file of the transmittal file graph
    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("File name and path: " + tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().getAt(0).sourcePath);

    // Display the number of files in the transmittal file graph
    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Number of Files in Graph: " + tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().getNumberOfFiles(1, 1).ToString());

    // Display the number of dependees
    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Number of Dependees: " + tfFirst.numberOfDependees.ToString());

    // Create a reference from the root file to the newly added file
    tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().addEdge(tfSecond, tfFirst);

    // Display the number of dependees
    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Number of Dependees: " + tfFirst.numberOfDependees.ToString());

    // Remove a reference from the root file
    tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().removeEdge(tfSecond, tfFirst);

    // Display the number of dependees
    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Number of Dependees: " + tfFirst.numberOfDependees.ToString());

    // Resets the transmittal graph

    // Display the number of files in the transmittal file graph
    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Number of Files in Graph: " + tro.getTransmittalGraphInterface().getNumberOfFiles(1, 1).ToString());

    // Release the tramnsmittal operation
    tro = null;