These ActiveX properties all start with 'R'.
Specifies the number of rows in a block array or table.
Gets the radius of gyration of the solid or region.
Specifies the radius of an arc or circle.
Specifies the major to minor axis ratio of an ellipse.
Specifies if the document or property is read-only or read-write.
Specifies the red component of the True Color.
Enables or disables regeneration of the table block.
Gets the RegisteredApplications collection for the document.
Specifies if hidden lines are to be plotted on a paper space viewport. (Obsolete)
Specifies the smoothness of shaded, rendered, and hidden line-removed objects.
Determines whether the bottom set of label rows is repeated at the bottom of each broken table part.
Determines whether the first set of label rows will be repeated at the top of each broken table part.
Specifies the revision number.
Specifies the angle of revolution.
Specifies the rotation angle for the object.
Specifies the rounding of dimension units.
Specifies a uniform height for all rows in the table.
Specifies the spacing of the rows in a block array.