These ActiveX properties all start with 'I'.
Specifies the full path and file name of the raster image file.
Controls the display of raster images during selection.
Specifies the height of the raster image.
Specifies whether image visibility is on or off.
Specifies the width of the raster image.
Specifies the percentage of wasted space allowed in a drawing file.
Specifies the index of the menu or toolbar item.
Specifies color of section plane when shading is turned on.
Specifies transparency of section plane when shading is turned on.
Insertion point for a tolerance, text, block, or shape, and the origin (upper-left corner) of an OLE object.
Specifies the insert units saved with the block.
Specifies the conversion factor between block units and drawing units.
Specifies the color scheme to use for displaying intensity values.
Specifies the color of intersection boundary.
Specifies whether division lines are shown in intersection boundary.
Specifies the layer of intersection boundary.
Specifies the linetype of intersection boundary.
Specifies the linetype scale of intersection boundary.
Specifies the lineweight of intersection boundary.
Specifies the plot style name of intersection boundary.
Specifies the visibility of intersection boundary.
Specifies the color of intersection fill.
Specifies the face transparency of intersection fill.
Specifies the hatch angle for intersection fill.
Specifies the hatch pattern name for intersection fill.
Specifies the hatch pattern type for intersection fill.
Specifies the hatch scale for intersection fill.
Specifies the hatch spacing for intersection fill.
Specifies the layer of intersection fill.
Specifies the linetype of intersection fill.
Specifies the linetype scale of intersection fill.
Specifies the lineweight of intersection fill.
Specifies the plot style name of intersection fill.
Specifies the visibility of intersection fill.
Specifies whether the attribute or attribute reference is invisible.
Determines whether the source object in a CopyObjects operation has been cloned.
Specifies whether this is a dynamic block.
Determines whether the given block is a layout block.
Specifies the ISO pen width of an ISO hatch pattern.
Determines whether the owning object in a CopyObjects operation has been translated.
Specifies whether the dimension is for a partial arc.
Determines whether the given spline is periodic.
Determines whether the given spline is planar.
Determines whether the source object in a CopyObjects operation was part of the primary set of objects being copied, or if it was simply owned by a member in the primary set.
Checks whether AutoCAD is idle and ready to accept automation calls from out-of-process applications.
Determines whether the given spline is rational.
Specifies the issuer name of the digital certificate.
Determines whether the given block is an XRef block.
Specifies the item of the underlay file.