FileName Property (ActiveX)

Specifies the file name of an entry in the File Dependency List. (Obsolete)

Supported platforms: Windows only




Type: FileDependency

The object this property applies to.

Property Value

Read-only: Yes

Type: String

Saved base file name without the path.


No additional remarks.

Release Information

Releases: AutoCAD 2000 through AutoCAD 2017



Sub Example_FileName()
    ' This example reads information from a File Dependency List
    ' Open a drawing from the sample Sheet Sets that contains xrefs, such as
    ' \Sample\Sheet Sets\Architectural\A-01.dwg
    Dim objFDLCol As AutoCAD.AcadFileDependencies
    Dim objFDL As AutoCAD.AcadFileDependency
    Set objFDLCol = ThisDrawing.FileDependencies
    MsgBox ("The number of entries in the File Dependency List is " & objFDLCol.count & ".")
    Dim strTemp As String
    For Each objFDL In objFDLCol
        strTemp = "Affects graphics?: " & vbTab & objFDL.AffectsGraphics
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "Feature: " & vbTab & objFDL.Feature
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "FileName: " & vbTab & objFDL.FileName
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "FileSize: " & vbTab & objFDL.FileSize
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "Fingerprint GUID: " & vbTab & objFDL.FingerprintGuid
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "FoundPath: " & vbTab & objFDL.FoundPath
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "FullFileName: " & vbTab & objFDL.FullFileName
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "Index: " & vbTab & objFDL.Index
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "Modified?: " & vbTab & objFDL.IsModified
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "ReferenceCount: " & vbTab & objFDL.ReferenceCount
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "Timestamp: " & vbTab & objFDL.TimeStamp
        strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "Version GUID: " & vbTab & objFDL.VersionGuid
        MsgBox strTemp
End Sub

Visual LISP:

(defun c:Example_FileName()
    ;; This example reads information from a File Dependency List
    ;; Open a drawing from the sample Sheet Sets that contains xrefs, such as
    ;; .\\Sample\\Sheet Sets\\Architectural\\A-01.dwg
    (setq acadObj (vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument acadObj))
    (setq objFDLCol (vla-get-FileDependencies doc))
    (alert (strcat "The number of entries in the File Dependency List is " (itoa (vla-get-Count objFDLCol)) "."))

    (setq strTemp "")
    (vlax-for each-objFDL objFDLCol
        (setq strTemp (strcat "Affects graphics?: " (if (= (vla-get-AffectsGraphics each-objFDL) :vlax-true) "True" "False")))
        (setq strTemp (strcat strTemp
			                           "\nFeature: " (vla-get-Feature each-objFDL)
			                           "\nFileName: " (vla-get-FileName each-objFDL)
			                           "\nFileSize: " (itoa (vla-get-FileSize each-objFDL))
			                           "\nFingerprint GUID: " (vla-get-FingerprintGuid each-objFDL)
			                           "\nFoundPath: " (vla-get-FoundPath each-objFDL)		      
			                           "\nFullFileName: " (vla-get-FullFileName each-objFDL)		      
			                           "\nIndex: " (itoa (vla-get-Index each-objFDL))	      
			                           "\nModified?: " (if (= (vla-get-IsModified each-objFDL) :vlax-true) "True" "False")	      
			                           "\nReferenceCount: " (itoa (vla-get-ReferenceCount each-objFDL))	      
			                           "\nTimeStamp: " (itoa (vla-get-TimeStamp each-objFDL))     
			                           "\nVersion GUID: " (vla-get-VersionGuid each-objFDL)
        (alert strTemp)