Additions and changes made to the ActiveX API in AutoCAD 2018 and AutoCAD 2018-based products.
AcSaveAsType (Changed) ac2018_dwg = 64 (New) ac2018_dxf = 65 (New) ac2018_Template = 66 (New) acNative = 64 (Changed)
AcadAcCmColor Version number of the class has been incremented from 21 to 22; use the ProgID AutoCAD.AcCmColor.22 AcadApplication Version number of the class has been incremented from 21 to 22; use the ProgID AutoCAD.Application.22 AcadLayerStateManager Version number of the class has been incremented from 21 to 22; use the ProgID AutoCAD.AcadLayerStateManager.22 AcadSecurityParams Version number of the class has been incremented from 21 to 22; use the ProgID AutoCAD.SecurityParams.22 IAcadDatabase (Changed) FileDependencies - Property (Obsolete) IAcadFileDependencies (Obsolete) Application - Property Count - Property CreateEntry - Method IndexOf - Method Item - Method RemoveEntry - Method UpdateEntry - Method IAcadFileDependency (Obsolete) AffectsGraphics - Property Feature - Property FileName - Property FileSize - Property FingerprintGuid - Property FoundPath - Property FullFileName - Property Index - Property IsModified - Property ReferenceCount - Property TimeStamp - Property VersionGuid - Property