button Title (DCL)

A Button tile resembles a push button.

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS

: button {
   action alignment fixed_height fixed_width 
   height is_cancel is_default is_enabled 
   is_tab_stop key label mnemonic width 
Mac OS
: button {
   action alignment fixed_height fixed_width 
   height is_cancel is_default is_enabled 
   key label width 

The button's label specifies text that appears inside the button. Buttons are appropriate for actions that are immediately visible to the user such as leaving the dialog box, or going into a subdialog box.

Dialog boxes must include an OK button (or its equivalent) for the user to press after using (or reading) the box. Many dialog boxes also include a Cancel button that enables the user to leave the dialog box without making any changes.

Dialog boxes should use the standard exit button subassemblies when possible.

Note: If you make the default button and the cancel button the same, you must make sure at least one other exit button is associated with an action that calls done_dialog. Otherwise, the dialog box is always canceled.

Specifies the text that appears in the button.

Release Information