Displays an AutoCAD slide in the currently active dialog box image tile
Supported Platforms: Windows only
(slide_image x1 y1 width height sldname)
Type: Integer
X-offset from the upper-left corner of the tile, in pixels. Must be a positive value.
Type: Integer
Y-offset from the upper-left corner of the tile, in pixels. Must be a positive value.
Type: Integer
Width of the image, in pixels.
Type: Integer
Height of the image, in pixels.
Type: String
Identifies the slide. This argument can be a slide file (.sld) or a slide in a slide library file (.slb). Specify sldname the same way you would specify it for the AutoCAD VSLIDE command or for a customization file. Use one of the following formats for sldname:
sldname or libname(sldname)
Type: String
A value containing sldname.
The first (upper-left) corner of the slide—its insertion point—is located at (x1,y1), and the second (lower-right) corner is located at the relative distance (wid,hgt) from the first (wid and hgt must be positive values). The origin (0,0) is the upper-left corner of the image. You obtain the coordinates of the lower-right corner by calling the dimension functions (dimx_tile and dimy_tile).
(slide_image 0 0 (dimx_tile "slide_tile") (dimy_tile "slide_tile") "myslide" ) (end_image)