Plot Style Table Settings Dialog Box

Specifies settings for plot style tables.

OPTIONS (Command) Find: Plot and Publish tab > Plot Style Table Settings

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Default Plot Style Behavior for New Drawings

Controls the plot style mode, Color-Dependent or Named, that is used when opening a drawing that was created in a release prior to AutoCAD 2000 or when creating a new drawing from scratch without using a drawing template.

A plot style is a collection of property settings defined in a plot style table and applied when the drawing is plotted. Changing the default plot style setting by using the Options dialog box does not affect the current drawing.

The default plot style setting is Use Color Dependent Plot Styles. The Plot Style Control on the Properties toolbar is unavailable by default. The Plot Style Control is available when you select the Use Named Plot Styles option and open a new drawing. (PSTYLEPOLICY system variable)

Use Color Dependent Plot Styles

Uses color-dependent plot styles in both new drawings and drawings created in AutoCAD Release 14 or earlier. (PSTYLEPOLICY system variable = 1)

Color-dependent plot styles use the numbers from the AutoCAD Color Index to create a plot style table with a .ctb file extension. Each color is defined by a name or number ranging from 1 to 255. You can assign each color number to a different pen on a pen plotter to achieve different property settings in the plotted drawing. If this option is selected, a plot style is created for each color setting.

Once a drawing is saved with Use Color Dependent Plot Styles as the default, you can convert it to Use Named Plot Styles using the CONVERTCTB and CONVERTPSTYLES commands.

Use Named Plot Styles

Uses named plot styles in both new drawings and drawings created in earlier versions. The plot style is defined in the plot style table attached to the layout. Named plot style tables are files with the file extension .stb. ( PSTYLEPOLICY system variable = 0)

Once a drawing is saved with Use Named Plot Styles as the default, you can convert it to Use Color Dependent Plot Styles using the CONVERTCTB and CONVERTPSTYLES commands. However, once you use CONVERTPSTYLES to convert a drawing from using a named plot style table to a color plot style table, you cannot use CONVERTPSTYLES to convert it back to using a named plot style table.

Current Plot Style Table Settings

Specifies the current plot style table settings that are applied to new drawings.

Default Plot Style Table

Specifies the default plot style table to attach to new drawings. A plot style table is a file with a .ctb or an .stb extension that includes and defines plot styles.

If you are using color-dependent plot styles, this option lists all color dependent plot style tables found in the search path as well as the value of None. If you are using named plot styles, this option lists all named plot styles tables.

Default Plot Style for Layer 0

Specifies the default plot style for all layers in a drawing when opening a drawing that was created in a release prior to AutoCAD 2000, or for Layer 0 when creating a new drawing from scratch without using a drawing template.

(DEFLPLSTYLE system variable)

Default Plot Style for Objects

Specifies the default plot style for new objects in a drawing when opening a drawing that was created in a release prior to AutoCAD 2000, or when creating a new drawing from scratch without using a drawing template.

(DEFPLSTYLE system variable)

Add or Edit Plot Style Tables

Displays the Plot Style Manager, a Windows Explorer or File Explorer window, where you can create or edit plot style tables.