Exercise 4: Replace the north arrow block

AutoCAD Map 3D toolset comes with sample files, including blocks such as north arrow symbols. You can delete the default north arrow and replace it with one of the sample blocks.

The template also has an area in which you can insert your company logo as a block. The process would be similar.

Video Tutorial

If you are connected to the Internet, play the video to see how to replace the north arrow. The steps for this procedure are listed below the video.

Note: This exercise uses the template you modified in the previous exercise.

To replace the north arrow in the map book template

  1. If the template you modified is not still open, open it again.
  2. Click the north arrow block in the template and press Delete.
  3. Open the sample file containing the north arrow symbols.
    Note: Make sure to set the Files Of Type back to drawing files, if it is still set to templates.
  4. In the Map - North Arrows.dwg file, click a north arrow symbol.
  5. Click Home tab Clipboard panelCopy dropdown Copy Clip.
  6. Close the Map - North Arrows.dwg file.
  7. In the template file, Home tab Clipboard panelPaste dropdown Paste As Block.
  8. Click the location for the new north arrow.
  9. Save and close the template file.

Where you are now

You modified a map book template to use your printer or plotter. You changed the size of the main viewport and adjusted the adjacent arrows . You changed the attributes of the title block . You replaced the default north arrow with another one.

To continue this tutorial, go to Lesson 3: Create A Map Book