Use the LayerStateManager to Manage Layer States (.NET)

The LayerStateManager object provides a set of functions for creating and manipulating saved layer states. Use the following LayerStateManager functions for working with layer states:


Deletes a saved layer state.


Exports the specified saved layer state to a LAS file.


Imports a layer state from the specified LAS file.


Imports a layer state from another database.


Renames a saved layer state.


Restores the specified layer state in the current drawing.


Saves the specified layer state and its properties.

The LayerStateManager object for a database can be accessed by using the LayerManagerState property of a Database object.


Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database
Dim acLyrStMan As LayerStateManager
acLyrStMan = acCurDb.LayerStateManager


Document acDoc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Database acCurDb = acDoc.Database;
LayerStateManager acLyrStMan;
acLyrStMan = acCurDb.LayerStateManager;

VBA/ActiveX Code Reference

After you retrieve the LayerStateManager object, you must associate a database with it before you can access the object's methods. Use the SetDatabase method to associate a database with the LayerStateManager.

Dim oLSM As AcadLayerStateManager
Set oLSM = ThisDrawing.Application. _
oLSM.SetDatabase ThisDrawing.Database