Overview of the DesignCenter API

DesignCenter provides an API that can be used to provide information about the content that it exposes. This API consists of four Component Object Model (COM) interfaces for management of contents. Two of these interfaces (IAcDcContentBrowser and IAcDcContentView) are designed to enable the component provider to display their content in DesignCenter, and the remaining two interfaces (IAcDcContentFinder and IAcDcContentFinderSite) are designed to enable the component provider to participate in the Finder mechanism of DesignCenter. The interfaces are described in the following sections. There is also another interface (IAcPostDrop) that component providers can implement to custom handle the right-click drag of items from DesignCenter.

IAcDcContentBrowser Interface

This interface is implemented in the DesignCenter framework and is used by the components to communicate get and set information. A pointer to this interface will be given to the components when their initialization method is called and the components are expected to cache this pointer to talk back to the framework.

This interface is similar to the IShellBrowser interface of the Windows namespace extension.

IAcDcContentView Interface

This interface is implemented by the components and is used by the DesignCenter framework to obtain content information from the component. A component that has registered itself as a content provider to DesignCenter would be queried for this interface at the appropriate time and will be asked to initialize itself. Once initialized, functions in this interface will be called at various times to get or set information in DesignCenter.

This interface is similar to the IShellView interface of the Windows namespace extension.

IAcDcContentFinderSite Interface

This interface is implemented in the DesignCenter framework and is used by the components to provide search results of a content type.

IAcDcContentFinder Interface

This interface is implemented by the components and is used by the DesignCenter framework to obtain search information from the components. A component that has registered itself as a content provider to DesignCenter would be queried for this interface at the appropriate time and will be asked to initialize itself. Once initialized, functions in this interface will be called at various times to get information appropriate for Finder dialog in the DesignCenter.

IAcPostDrop Interface

This interface is implemented by components and is used at the time of a right-click drag and drop of content entities.