The AcBr library can be used with the following AutoCAD entities:
AcDb3dSolid represents a solid; it encloses one or more volumes.
AcDbRegion represents a planar surface; it might contain multiple coplanar surfaces.
AcDbBody is the concrete base class for all boundary representation objects not covered by AcDb3dSolid
or AcDbRegion, including derived types defined by AutoCAD Mechanical toolset and client applications.
AcDbPart represents a solid or sheet body in the context of an assembly or feature in AutoCAD Mechanical toolset.
AcAsSurface represents a single surface as a sheet body in AutoCAD Mechanical toolset.
The AcBr library provides read-only access to a subset of modeling data contained in AutoCAD solids. These solids are not required to be database active, and may be created in any of the following ways:
- AutoCAD object creation commands (such as SPHERE), or equivalent AutoLISP
- AutoCAD Mechanical toolset object creation commands (such as ADREVOLVE), or equivalent AutoLISP programs.
- Invocation of the AutoCAD EXPLODE command on a part or assembly in AutoCAD Mechanical toolset.
- File importation using OPEN, DXFIN, or ACISIN.
- Programmatic instantiation of primitives using
AcDb3dSolid::createFrustum(), AcDb3dSolid::createBox(), AcDb3dSolid::createWedge(), AcDb3dSolid::createSphere(), AcDb3dSolid::createTorus(), AcDbRegion::createFromCurves().
Typical uses of the AcBr library include the following:
- Transferring entity or subentity data into your application for display, analysis, or manipulation.
- Locating particular features of interest in the solid and querying for associated data, such as geometry.
- Transferring entity data to another modeling system (that is, data exchange).
- Meshing the surface data in the solid for display, analysis, or manipulation.
- Supporting analysis (such as point and line containment, bounding blocks, and mass properties).
Attention: When working with an object that wraps an unmanaged object, you are responsible for disposing of the object by calling
or through another technique such as
Using. For more information, see
Memory Management and Dispose Pattern.