The acedOsnap() function finds a point by using one of the AutoCAD Object Snap modes. The snap modes are specified in a string argument.
In the following example, the call to acedOsnap() looks for the midpoint of a line near pt1.
acedOsnap(pt1, "midp", pt2);
The following call looks for either the midpoint or endpoint of a line, or the center of an arc or circle—whichever is nearest pt1.
acedOsnap(pt1, "midp,endp,center", pt2);
The third argument (pt2 in the examples) is set to the snap point if one is found. The acedOsnap() function returns RTNORM if a point is found.
The APERTURE system variable determines the allowable proximity of a selected point to an entity when using Object Snap.