Document Management Classes

ObjectARX provides a set of classes to manage documents within an ObjectARX application. Each open drawing has an associated AcApDocument object. The AcApDocManager class manages all the AcApDocument objects associated with an application.


The AcApDocument object contains information such as the filename, MFC CDocument object, current database, and save format of the current drawing. Additionally, the AcApDocument object contains functions that query the status of document locking.


The AcApDocumentManager object contains all the document objects in an application (there is one document object for each drawing that is open and being edited). There is only one instance, which can be obtained using the macro acDocManager().


The AcApDocumentIterator class provides the ability to iterate over the set of currently open AcApDocument objects.


The AcApDocManagerReactor class provides a reactor that applications can use to track modifications in documents and switches between documents.

For more information on the document management classes, see the ObjectARX Reference. An MDI-Aware Example Application shows code using these classes.