ObjectARX provides a set of functions that enables an external function to return values to AutoLISP. These value-return functions have no AutoLISP counterparts. The following table summarizes these functions.
Value-return function summary |
Function Name |
Returns |
acedRetInt |
An integer value |
acedRetReal |
A real value |
acedRetPoint |
A 3D point |
acedRetStr |
A string |
acedRetVal |
A value passed “generically” in a result buffer |
acedRetName |
An entity (RTENAME) or selection set (RTPICKS) name (see Selection Set and Entity Names for more information on selection sets and entities) |
acedRetT |
The AutoLISP value t (true) |
acedRetNil |
The AutoLISP value nil |
acedRetVoid |
A blank value: AutoCAD doesn't display the result |
acedRetList |
A list of result buffers returned to AutoLISP |
The following example shows the scheme of a function called when the application receives a kInvkSubrMsg request. It returns a real value to AutoLISP.
int dofun() { ads_real x; // Check the arguments and input conditions here. // Calculate the value of x. acedRetReal(x); return GOOD; }