Dialog Data Persistency

CAcUiDialog and the CAcUiTab classes automatically inherit persistency. Persistency, as defined by the dialogs and controls in AcUi24.dll, means that storage for any and all user modal dialogs in AutoCAD derived from these classes will store data with the current user profile, making it a virtual preference.

Your dialog should have a unique name because it will use a shared area of the user profile registry space. Consider using the following naming convention for your dialog boxes:


For example, if your ObjectARX application is named AsdkSample and you have a dialog titled Coordinates, you might want to name it AsdkSample:Coordinates. For more information, see the SetDialogName() function.

There are two types of dialog data persistency: out-of-the-box and developer-defined. Out-of-the-box persistency refers to dialog position, size, and list view column sizes. Developer-defined refers to any data that a developer chooses to store in the user profile either during the lifetime or dismissal of the dialog and which may be retrieved across dialog invocations.