
A mesh is an efficient way to store a parametrically rectangular grid of vertices. The geometry for a mesh is specified as the number of rows, the number of columns, and a list of vertices, in row-order:

virtual Adesk::Boolean
    const Adesk::UInt32 rows,
    const Adesk::UInt32 columns,
    const AcGePoint3d*  pVertexList,
    const AcGiEdgeData* pEdgeData = NULL,
    const AcGiFaceData* pFaceData = NULL,
    const AcGiVertexData* pVertexData = NULL) const = 0;

The mesh() function has three optional parameters for attaching property data to edges, faces, or vertices. For edges in the mesh, you can attach color, layer, linetype, GS marker, and visibility properties. For example, you could use AcGiEdgeData::setColors() to attach a different color to each edge of the mesh. In the color list, first list the colors for all the row edges, then the colors for all the column edges. The following figure shows the ordering of edge property data for a sample mesh:

The following sample code creates a mesh and assigns colors using edge data and face data. It constructs a four-by-four mesh with cyan rows and green columns.

      AsdkMeshSamp::subWorldDraw(AcGiWorldDraw* pW)     
      Adesk::UInt32       i, j, k;     
      Adesk::UInt32       numRows = 4;     
      Adesk::UInt32       numCols = 4;     
      AcGePoint3d       *pVerts =     
      new       AcGePoint3d[numRows * numCols];     
      for (k = 0, i =       0; i < numRows; i++) {     
      for (j = 0; j       < numCols; j++, k++) {     
      pVerts[k].x =       (double)j;     
      pVerts[k].y =       (double)i;     
      pVerts[k].z =       0.;     
      // Construct an       array of colors to be applied to each     
      // edge of the       mesh.  Here, let the rows be cyan and     
      // the columns       be green.     
      AcGiEdgeData       edgeInfo;     
      Adesk::UInt32       numRowEdges = numRows * (numCols - 1);     
      Adesk::UInt32       numColEdges = (numRows - 1) * numCols;     
      Adesk::UInt32       numEdges = numRowEdges + numColEdges;     
      short       *pEdgeColorArray = new short[numEdges];     
      for (i = 0; i       < numEdges; i++) {     
      pEdgeColorArray[i] =     
      i <       numRowEdges ? kCyan : kGreen;     
      // Make the       first face transparent and the rest     
      // different       colors.     
      Adesk::UInt32       numFaces = (numRows - 1)     
      * (numCols -       1);     
      Adesk::UInt8       *pFaceVisArray =     
      new       Adesk::UInt8[numFaces];     
      short       *pFaceColorArray = new short[numFaces];     
      AcGiFaceData       faceInfo;     
      for (i = 0; i       < numFaces; i++) {     
      pFaceVisArray       [i] =     
      i ?       kAcGiVisible : kAcGiInvisible;     
      pFaceColorArray[i] = (short)(i + 1);     
      // If the fill       type is kAcGiFillAlways, then a shell,     
      // mesh, or       polygon will be interpreted as faces;     
      // otherwise,       they will be interpreted as edges.     
      // Output mesh       as faces.     
      pW-       >subEntityTraits().setFillType(kAcGiFillAlways);     
      pW->geometry       ().mesh(numRows, numCols, pVerts, NULL,     
      // Output mesh       as edges over the faces.     
      pW-       >subEntityTraits().setFillType(kAcGiFillNever);     
      pW->geometry       ().mesh(numRows, numCols, pVerts,     
      delete []       pVerts;     
      delete []       pEdgeColorArray;     
      delete []       pFaceColorArray;     
      delete []       pFaceVisArray;     
      return       Adesk::kTrue;     

For faces in a mesh, you can attach color, layer, GS marker, normal, and visibility traits. To assign properties to faces in a mesh, you list the values for the faces in row-order, as indicated by the following figure:

Vertex data for the mesh is listed in the same order as in the vertex list. Properties that can be set with AcGiVertexData are normals and orientation.